The Little Things in Iranian Cinema

Estefania 2022-03-19 08:01:02

For the blind, the eyes are the hands that extend from the arms and the ears that line the sides of the head. In the movie "Colors of Heaven", the blind boy Muhammad gradually "sees" heaven through his hands and ears. It's just that heaven is not red, orange, red, green, blue, blue, and purple, it must be some other "colors" that are not seen by normal people, such as sadness and happiness.

This is a casual and intimate film. When the picture came out, director Majid Majidi and photographer Moham Maddavdi seemed to be absent. It was us, the blind boy Muhammad, father and grandmother. Before the picture appears, there is a black field, which is a tragic hint. The world of the blind is forever black and boundless? And behind the darkness, how are their hearts colorful? Muhammad led us forward.

The chick fell from its nest in the tree. Mohammad followed the sound to find it, put the bird in his pocket, carefully climbed the tree, and sent the bird back to the mother's wings. Soon, the father also came to take Muhammad home. Muhammad walked over tremblingly and stretched out his hand, touching another pair of vicissitudes of life, his mouth was a little shriveled, and he almost cried: "I thought you didn't want me anymore..." Father hadn't come to see him for a long time. This is a miserable man, his wife is dead, his family is in distress, and his children can't see the world. He decided to take his son back to his home in the country. In the car, Mohammad stretched his hand out of the car window, felt the flow of air, grabbed something like a flying fox, and cried out, "I caught the wind!" He released his hand, the flying fox disappeared, and began to look for the wind again. . On the way home, Mohammad reached into the creek, and the flow of the water seemed to remind him of something. Muhammad trotted along the country road and shouted, "Grandma, I'm back! Grandma, I'm back!"

The little friends who heard the news ran away happily and split up to find grandma. Mohammad touched the round face of his sister's smile, and his voice was a little dejected: "How did you grow so big?" The two sisters ran to the field to find the grandmother, and the grandmother said: "What are you laughing at? Why don't you talk?" The little ones still is laughing. Grandma knew that her grandson was back and hurried home. Under the tree by the roadside, Muhammad jumped out: "Grandma, look at me here!" He was about to startle grandma, but he went in the wrong direction. The old man led Muhammad into the wheat field, the green ears of wheat fluttered in the wind, and the thorns on the wheat had not yet reached the point of stabbing the little hand. Muhammad stroked over and over again. The old man led Muhammad to a small tree: "What do you think this is?" Muhammad touched the leaves a few times and shouted, "Grandma, this is the tree I planted last year!"

Muhammad went to the regular school in the countryside to study and read aloud Braille text, help your partner correct: the sun shines on the earth but not the earth, and the moon illuminates the earth but not the earth. They boiled the flowers they picked to make dye, they kicked the chickens out of the coop in the morning, the feathers were flying in the air, they took the egg in one hand, handed it to the other, and put it back in the basket, and the children danced Get up, even chicken feathers seem to be laughing.

Wildflowers, lush pastoral fields, chirping birds, and gurgling streams are all like a fairy tale. Father's gloomy face brought this fairy tale back to cruel reality. In order to continue the string, he had to get rid of the enormous burden of Muhammad - he was a blind boy, which was a bad situation for superstitious women. The white feathers in Muhammad's hands flew upwards, exceeding the capabilities of the feathers themselves. Grandma came back to look for Muhammad from outside, and the little sister replied, "Father took Muhammad to the seaside." The father took the little Muhammad to the seaside: "Be careful, don't go over the other end of the rope!" At this time, if Muhammad saw the paradise Color, heaven is definitely gray. There are seagulls whining at sea, he and go back. The sensitive Muhammad realized that his father was not the way to bring him back home. He broke free and ran back and forth. His father took him back and handed him over to a blind carpenter. All things are silent, the birds are chirping, and the voice of the blind carpenter is caring. He spoke in a straightforward manner, led Muhammad to the beginning, and explained the essentials of work lightly. He touched Muhammad's little hand and found water on it, tears. "what happened to you?"

The teacher said that God loves the blind more, because the blind cannot see. But I told the teacher that if this is the case, God will not blind us to see Him. The teacher replied: 'God is invisible, he is everywhere, you can only feel him, you can see him with your fingers. 'Now I reach out to God until my hand touches him, and I'm going to tell him everything, even all the secrets in my heart. "Mohammed couldn't hold back, and everyone present began to cry. The

grandmother decided to find little Mohammed. The rain fell suddenly, and the old man couldn't care about the mud. The little fish was swept up and down by the water and jumped up and down, and the old man walked over with difficulty. Picked up the small fish, slowly put it into the clear water on the side, and dropped the card into the water. It was a gift from Mohammed. She reached out to catch it... Father couldn't see it, so he helped the old man to go home. When my grandmother was last, she looked this way, and her window was so large that she could see Muhammad. When my grandmother died, the woman gave back the dowry: "This is unlucky! "In this small family, misfortunes do not come singly. Father led the horse and sat Mohammad right away. Where were they going? There was a magical fog in the woods. They crossed a small wooden bridge, which was washed away by the rain and was no longer strong. Muhammad and the horse together Falling into the river, the father on the bridge was startled. He was hesitating. He even hoped that he would die, but how could he ignore his life and leave? Nothing. My father was washed ashore, he was not dead. A frightened bird flew by in the sky. What about Muhammad? , the voice was a little joyful. Muhammad's hand moved, and he "saw" another color of heaven.

Did Muhammad die? He was not there, and we argued endlessly without results.

Only ten Iranian films were presented to the public. One out of ten, nine out of ten die in Iran's strict film censorship system. The talents of directors have not been buried. They make films that are far from ideology and talk about children. The subject matter is limited, which makes Iranian films known as "small" There is great compassion and care here. Children may not be without the shadow of adults. In children, we see things that we have not seen. As long as you have a heart, your eyes will not be blind. The saddest thing in the world is "the heart is blind." ”. The color of heaven is heard and touched. It is the heart that connects hands and ears.

Where does a film born in France and brilliant in America take us? Computer stunts, big-name stars, or the ever-popular Walk of Fame? Peeling off the shell of the world of flowers, our city is full of dismal reinforced concrete; apart from the beautiful and complete decoration, our home is a cold and desolate building material; when the colorful costumes are lifted, how much warmth is there in our hearts? In an era of rapid development, "the reason why people become people" is still an inescapable question.

A question, Majid Majidi in "The Colors of Heaven", "Barron" and "Little Shoes", Jafar Panasi in "The Circle of Life", Samira Makmalbaf in "Blackboard" ", Mina Mohammed in "Who Can Take Me Home", Abbas Kiarostami in "The Taste of Cherry", they all asked a lot.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.