Will the world change because of you?

Rosario 2022-10-09 08:45:03

I'm not a pure idealist, but I'm not a materialist either. I tend to think that the world is mysterious and unknown and that we cannot understand and control our destiny.

Half of the law of attraction is truth.

If you get up in the morning in a bad mood, the probability of something going wrong will naturally increase greatly. For example, a bad mood will make you not too focused, your body coordination is not good, and you will be more likely to go out and go downstairs and slap your feet. There is a higher chance of accidentally knocking over the teacup. Likewise, would you be in a good mood if these unfortunate things did happen? Of course not more. As a result, you will be more rude and impatient with people close to you. People close to you will accept this negative emotion, be dissatisfied with you, and then feed it back to you. . . You see, an unpleasant world is born and drawn to you.

When I was a child, there was a painting on the wall of my house, a majestic green mountain. Tourists stood on the mountain road viewing platform and looked at the greener and fainter green mountains in the distance. When my uncle came back from a business trip, he often brought us some colorful stones, necklaces made of shells and so on. Growing up in the Jianghan Plain, I have never seen high mountains, and I can't imagine where such beautiful stones and shells can grow. So I secretly dreamed that when I grew up, I could go to many places to see where the mountains are, and where the beautiful stones and shells are.

More than ten years, more than twenty years have passed, and when I became an adult, I visited famous mountains and rivers, from the coast of the East China Sea to the Gobi desert, from the water villages in the south of the Yangtze River to the snow-covered plateau, my childhood dream has long been realized. Many friends say they are envious, but I ask myself, is it because I am richer than others today that I can realize my childhood dream? Are you more free than others? neither. To this day, I'm not richer than most people who say so, but it doesn't matter if you don't have money, you can be a backpacker. Don't have time? Not a problem either. If you really want to go, you'll use all kinds of vacations, you'll take time off, you'll take a trip between jobs. Few people are really busy every day for more than ten years. If you are really busy, it is also your choice, you chose not to stop for your dream.

The world has not changed for you, the world has always been there, leaving room for all possibilities. It is your dream that is like a seed that leads you to find a way out, leads you to find the path to the sun from under the stones.

I believe that if traveling the world is my only dream, I can travel the world like a dervish with just a cane. (Of course, this is not the only dream I have in reality)

Your dream, attracts you, attracts you to discover the path that already exists, attracts you to embark on the path of dream realization. Millions of people have been on the road for millions of years, and it's already been there. And the world has never changed.

The other half of the law of attraction is uncontrollable.

Living and dead living beings leave behind an endless stream of wishes, thoughts, world karma, cause and effect, energy or whatever you want to call it, all intricate, contradictory and repetitive, influencing and deviating from each other.

When we are too attached to our own thoughts, do others still exist? How do other people's wishes come true?

You pray that you hit five million, and I pray that I hit five million. What to do then? Who will make it happen?

Some people are afraid of flying, but the plane crash can't be caused by him.

You pray for one stock to go up, I pray for another, will it come true? Isn't there another, more macroscopic law governing the operation of the economy? They exist beyond our thoughts. If you want to make money in stocks, you can only invest your wisdom to discover this law, instead of believing that you can make money. Of course, the reverse is true. If you believe that you cannot make money, then you will definitely not make it, because you will not work hard and will not seek this higher law.
You believe you can recover from a terminal illness, but are you sure you can make it? uncertain. Your confidence will lead you to have a more optimistic mindset and receive more aggressive treatment, which will lead to a healthy development of your body. However, the development of things has a higher law, there are many causes and effects, your wishes and your efforts are only a link in the chain of cause and effect.

We sincerely hope that our loved ones will not leave or die. Are our prayers not complete and sincere enough? But, you know, maybe while you're praying, the person you love is dying, maybe he's feeling a better call. Whose idea will prevail? I don't know if any of this is true, none of us have had a near-death experience. But, who knows, the world is mysterious and unknown. All kinds of powers and ideas are intertwined, and we are not under our control.

The world is not centered on any one person. The world has no center.

It doesn't change for anyone, it's just, always there. Everyone has a dream, to choose what you want to choose.

You cannot change the world, you have your thoughts, your desires, and they are one of the forces that affect the world, one of the billions of forces that change the outcome, not all.

You can say that the world is everything, provided that your mind returns to a blank sheet of paper, accepts and lets go of the unchangeable facts, and becomes rich and fulfilled in your heart. Those thoughts that affect the world, those prayers, those longings, those desires that are blind, are just your ego, how can you be fulfilled.

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