The war has not spared these children

Margarita 2022-11-18 15:26:16

The film tells the stories of a group of Kurdish children in the war-torn years. It's hard to imagine a group of Kurdish children's true performances, so real, warm and cold.

The Kurds are one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Middle East, most of them are followers of Islam, belong to the Sunni sect and speak Kurdish. According to legend, the Kurds are the descendants of the ancient Medians. They have been living in Kurdistan, the border area of ​​Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran for more than 2,000 years. A few are distributed in the mountains of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and they are the second largest in population in the Middle East. The fourth largest ethnic group among the Arabs, Turks and Persians. In recent years, the Kurds have been making waves of independent statehood, but they have been repeatedly oppressed by Turkey, Iraq and other countries.

After watching the film, I resented myself, and I always felt that if it wasn't my personal experience, it really wouldn't hurt. I can't think of anything to write about other than blocking. I don't want to laugh or cry, I just want to roar and scream, to shout out the grievances that are stuck in my heart, maybe I can cry out by shouting. Unfortunately, living in a dormitory, this moment is not the end of the world. Finally I put on my earphones and replaced my rants with the singer's chaotic, grumpy rants. I was paralyzed by the desk, hoping that my brain would run fast, and that my heart would not weaken immediately. Please give me more feelings so that I can record it truly. I have something to say, but I feel like I have nothing to say. I hate it, but I don't know what I want to hate. I also feel very hopeless, even though I am very happy, I don't have time to be bored.

This is a very documentary film. In order to survive, in order to survive, when adults are wearing delicate headscarves and watching TV, they can dismantle landmines and unload bombs with broken baskets and broken shoes. . The protagonist "Satellite" has a leadership style, has a luxuriously dressed bicycle, and is a very responsible child king. The other children are loyal, hard-working, and capable. In the face of the live ammunition of the Turkish border guards, they dared to be mischievous and ran for their lives happily. After being slapped in the face by a large family household in the village, he would cry sadly. They know how precious their companions are, and will sell all their labor in order to give their heads what they consider exquisite gifts. They would kiss each other's dirty cheeks fiercely as they parted. They are also afraid of death, and they dare not take a step forward when there are landmines. Nothing can stop their innocence and enthusiasm. This is the kids. Kurdish children.

One of the children in this group is different, the elder sister Yaglin and the boy with the broken arm, and a younger brother with an eye problem, who came from out of town not long ago. One day everyone followed the Broken Arm Boy and dug out a lot of landmines. The children discovered that the thin broken arm projected strength and an inexplicable wisdom from top to bottom. He is not afraid of others' difficulties and exclusion, and seems to be more patient than Green in the face of life. Yaglin was quiet but not docile. She carried her innocent but blind child on her back and worked silently. The occasional reply deeply attracted the satellite's heart.

They didn't spend a lot of time together together. They lived through the last moments of Yaglin's life together. Then ushered in a new war.

In the film, the questions of the clansmen, the adults, about the war are limited to "when will the war begin" and "when will it end". They held the white flag as a defense, but the heavy responsibility of clearing the battlefield, post-war reconstruction, and active defense was carried on the shoulders of a group of Kurdish children led by the satellite. What is gratifying is that Satellite is responsible. Whenever he takes the livelihood of a group of children to heart, he never listens to the village chiefs who are dressed in clean clothes and who only hide in the back room and watch TV. The satellite is prestige, and at his command, the children will be ecstatic to remove the mines, and the adults will scramble to run up the mountain in groups to avoid the war. Satellite is also smart and alert. He is well-informed at a young age and can speak a little English. He will prepare gas masks for the whole village, demonstrate to them in person, and use the mines that the children help to dig to rent guns for emergencies. . For the sake of love and prophecy, he patiently and personally did something for Yaglin and the boy with the broken arm. He has always kept his promise to Yaglin and faced danger to rescue the curly-haired boy in the small family. The satellite is also concerned about the future of the tribe. After he learns the latest war prophecy, he will be anxious to deliver the news to the whole village in a timely manner. For this land, Moon and his children have done a lot. It's just that the children can't keep everyone safe no matter how hard they try. No matter how charismatic the satellite is, he is still a child who is afraid of war and death. He can't predict, and he doesn't understand why this day has always been like this and when it will end.

Just why? Why is there a boy with a broken arm who can predict in times of war?

The wit and composure of the Broken Arm Boy was awe-inspiring to the satellites. Like many Kurdish children, only him and his sister remain in the family with the broken arm, and an angelic boy with curly hair and no bright eyes. The devastation caused by Iraqi soldiers to their families and their families, and the humiliation brought to Yaglin, these are the unfathomable wounds in his heart and Yaglin's heart, and the two children could not sleep in the middle of the night. It's just that neither the satellite nor his child gang know that, in fact, neither of them are children. In fact, the innocent Yaglin had already been tortured to death by perverted Iraqi soldiers on a rainy night. Today, she is a mother and a walking dead with spare hatred. The boy with the broken arm is not a child either. The bloody war has cruelly removed his childlike innocence. What remains is a man who has a deep awareness of reality, and can even be said to be a warrior. So, he will prophesy.

The beauty of the details of the film makes people tremble physically and mentally, and does not need to be emphasized. At one point, the boy with the broken arm felt the curly-haired child and the tortoise floating gracefully in the water, as if flying. He couldn't help but start to marvel a little at their ease and detachment, and he seemed to want to join them, but in an instant he reacted like an electric shock that the child was in danger.

On the way to the pond to save the child, he passed the ruins of a dilapidated battlefield and saw many Yaglin. Agrin sat or stood on the ruins, or took the form of a cross, all with his back to him. There was also a mournful voice singing in the wind.

His prophecy a few days earlier had come true again, he had said that everything would end, and as a result Yaglin ended herself and her children. The Iraqis' war against the Kurds is also over. But the war between the United States and Iraq ensued. The American soldiers were well-armed and well-dressed. And the boy with the broken arm, in a single shirt, was soaked all over, and the short ragged sleeves of the empty clothes were scattered with water in the cold wind, like his tears. The boy didn't cry out, and he didn't look up at the group of valiant foreign soldiers coming towards them. He just hurriedly ran to the edge of the cliff at the top of the mountain again, facing the hazy clouds and mist under his feet, shouting haggardly, calling out to his Yaglin. Louder than hoarse. Sadly, he wiped his tears with his severed limb, then reluctantly picked up the shoes she had left on the edge of the cliff with his mouth, and left.

The Broken Arm Boy left another prophecy message to the equally heartbroken and terrified satellite, and 275 days later, something big will happen. And the satellite seems to understand the meaning of the boy's prophecy, the brutal Iraqi regime and soldiers, attracted one after another looting and brutality. Arabic and English, the two worlds of exclusion, will spark round after round of conflict and hatred. The shadow of death brought by the war will be cast again and again on this devastated land. So, on the side of the narrow road, the satellite turned decisively and turned his back to the American soldier he had imitated and admired in the past. And the capable little assistant is still staring ignorantly at the mighty American chariots and tanks.

Kurdish children are the future of the Kurds, but why is the war going on without letting go of these children?

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Turtles Can Fly quotes

  • Agrin: teach them math and science!

    Satellite: they know math and science. they have to learn how to shoot now!