Extremely Secret: The Law of Obsession

Malvina 2022-12-24 10:34:06

Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein...
The giants and giants who rot to the point of stele under the stele are all spitting up blood in their coffins
because of the kind they have in common The secret of success that is so convenient that you can’t see it is known to you:

this awesome mystery is called the Law of attraction (the law of lust)
The law of lust tells us:

all things are born from the heart, and lust is invincible.

For example, you want to A bicycle, so you think and think, staring at a picture in a bicycle magazine every day to see
such a scene, your grandpa naturally saw it, so one morning grandpa bought the self-confidence car in the magazine for you
. , your dream has come true, but getting a bicycle is the result of your obsession. As for your grandfather, well,

there is no difficulty in going to your grandpa's world, as long as you are willing to be obsessed.

For example, when you were riding a bicycle, you were hit by a container truck. , the spine is completely broken, completely paralyzed, the doctors all think that you are going to be in a vegetative state for a lifetime.
Of course you don't need these quack doctors and their useless medical equipment.
You just need to set yourself a staged rehabilitation goal. :
No respirator after two days, no need to be picked up after four days
, reluctantly resume sexual intercourse after one week, seven times a night after two weeks
and then, in the blink of an eye, you will find that you can ride your broken bicycle again It 's been 5 miles and

there's nothing wrong in the world.

For example, if your broken bike is fine, no one will want
it if you leave it there. , so you went to buy two locks to lock it for a lot of things. It
turned out that because you thought too much, not only was your broken self-confidence car stolen, but also a new lock was given away for nothing.

-= Desires come true: The practical application of the law of lust =-

The law of becoming a rich man
Put pictures of beautiful women in luxury houses on the wall, and lust at the photos a thousand times a day.
No matter where you go, remember to plug them before you go A hand of Monopoly's largest denomination banknote passes through the jewelry store in your pocket.
Don't feel that there is anything in it that you can't afford. If you feel guilty, take out the Monopoly banknote and count it to encourage yourself

Ferocious, Persistent, and Unbridled Sexuality, and Believe Your Sexuality Completely It will become a reality.
Due to the complete collapse of the concept of limited resources and unlimited demand,
when it comes to lust, you don't have to be conservative.
As long as you want, you can bring lust from Miss January to Miss December to your home.
If you think it's not enough, you can Buy everything from the first issue
. Of course, if you really like Miss April, you can ask for 12 Miss April

to become a healthy person.
When you are sick, you only need to think that you are not sick at all.
Of course, there are more specimens The law of both cures
is that you can obsess yourself and be invulnerable to all poisons at all, not only superhuman, but also immune to Kryptonite

. The real solution:
let's say you're a victim of domestic violence, you've been beaten every day by your husband and you're bruising your nose and looking for your teeth

. So, the first thing you have to realize is that you brought it on yourself.
Either you masochistically hope to find a man who likes to beat his wife, so you attract your man who likes to beat his wife to you,
or your husband is normal, just thinking about you because you have nothing to do Will that perfect husband hit you one day, so that he really sees you and thinks that you deserve to be beaten?

Then, after you understand that you deserve it, we will use the law of obscenity to save ourselves. It should
be noted that, Don't think like this: it's wrong for my husband to beat me, or think: I don't want my husband to beat me
because the more you think about it, the more your husband will beat you, the more you like
it. You shouldn't be able to think "you don't want anything". You should think "what do you want?"
For the beating, you accept it calmly, and then just think: I have a gentle, handsome and rich husband who loves me very much I have a gentle, handsome and rich husband who loves me very much I have a husband温柔帅气有钱而且很疼我的老公

应用意淫法则的时候,有一些Pitfall是需要注意Yes, the film also gives a very good example:
"The more you want to pay off the debt, the more you can't pay it off" because you think too much about "debt"
. Thinking that you have no money, thinking that your thoughts are all focused on "money", then you will have money,
then you are wrong, the law of sexual obscenity does not play like this The
fact is: you always think about having no money, so you You really have no money, because you think too much about "no money"

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The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.