Taizi, hard work!

Raquel 2022-03-29 08:01:01

Taizi's world, Longer is everything to her.
Without doubt, without wavering, firmly stick to this point of view.
After losing the man he loves and leaving the house, what Taizi has left is the watch he stole from his father, and Longer. Besides Ai Long'er, who else could she love. Until Ryuji grows into a man who can still run away for love, the only one who can protect Ryuji is Taiko. She is a difficult mother, what kind of bitterness has been in the past seventeen years, we can't see it, but no one can deny that when Taizi's mother said "you raised Long'er so big", the gushing tears were A weeping pride. It doesn't matter how angry Taizi's parents are for running away from home in the past 18 years. Taizi proves the fact that her parents denied it at the beginning. The Longer she raised is an extremely gentle, kind and sensible man. What could be more proud of a single mother?

Was Taiko fourteen or fifteen when he left home? She didn't go to high school, so she should be about this age. A girl of this age, who is in love at the beginning of her life, is desperate for love. Even if the man she loves is half-hearted and idle, she must be determined to love without turning back. Even if she was later abandoned by that man, she still insisted on giving birth to the child in her womb. Is that the burial of Taizi's love? Or continue? That man doesn't love her anymore, so she has to love their child well. Taizi never hated that man, and when he mentioned his father to Longer, he never expressed any unhappiness. In Taizi's opinion, love is such a simple and simple thing. So that night she looked at Long'er dragging the back of the river running and wept, was this just fear of Long'er's abandonment? She must have thought of the silly girl who ran away for love in that year, so what reason could she blame for her son's willful behavior? Long'er fell in love with sister tiger, they want to be together, even if the end of the world will not be separated. Taizi knew this feeling, she knew that Longer had grown up. So she cried, because of this sincerity, because of this pain, because of her own youth and frivolity.

Taizi's house is a small house with only a few screens between the high-end apartments, there is a parrot, a virtuous dragon, and then there is a little tiger sister who is short-tempered, Taizi does not know How happy. She had never lived a day as a family of three, and when Sister Tiger came, it would start to be noisy. Long'er is a son, but he does play the role of a husband to take care of himself. Tiger is a neighbor, but like a daughter, he sits at the dinner table and yells at Long'er that he is hungry. The dragon will also frown at the tiger like a father looking at his daughter. Taizi thought, how happy the three of them would be if they were like this forever. But she knows that the tiger will leave one day, and Long'er may leave with her in the future. At that time, only the parrot will be left with her. When will the parrot leave Taizi? Taizi didn't know, but just hoped that such a day would come later. Although Taizi was an adult, he would be as afraid of loneliness as a child.

She didn't know that one day in the future, because Long Er himself would sit at home, Dad would reprimand him as before, and Mom would laugh and serve hot tea. That's why Taizi was afraid of loneliness. She thought that in this world, no one would care about her anymore. But even so, Taizi couldn't back down. She wanted Longer to go to college, she wanted Tiger and Longer to be together, even if she could only be alone in the end, she would do the same. Seeing that Long'er could live the life she wanted but couldn't, Taizi already felt very satisfied. She paid the price for her willfulness at the beginning, and it was only natural to accept the punishment. As long as Long'er can become an excellent child and get real love, Taizi must persist in whatever he says, can't cry, can't show weakness, and be a good mother. Don't let Long'er worry.

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