Passionate man

Darion 2022-03-25 08:01:01

When he said:

Jane, I want a wife. Not a nursemaid to look after me.

I want a wife to share my bed every night. All day, if we wish.

I immediately fell in love with this passionate man .

He likes to order people, just because he never knows how to communicate with one person on an equal footing;

he likes to observe others, order others, just because he has everything under control;

he likes to make fun of others, just to make himself laugh;

he likes Traveling all over the world, just to escape from his prison-like home;

he deliberately created fog to make his beloved woman suffer from inner pain, he is an evil man; but he loves her, with all his heart and soul, he is also a good man man.

With a slightly evil smile and the desire to conquer others, he is a classic interpretation of "men are not bad, women are not loved"; but he has a fragile and sensitive, but kind and sincere heart, and can touch the weak but motherly love of women. Heart.

The BBC remake of Jane Eyre is not only faithful to the original work, but also endowed with more romance and passion, which made me deeply intoxicated.

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Jane Eyre quotes

  • St John Rivers: We sail in six weeks. We must make marriage preparations.

    Jane Eyre: Why can we not travel as brother and sister? As equals?

    St John Rivers: That would be impossible.

    Jane Eyre: St. John, you do not love me.

    St John Rivers: Love is not an ingredient in this matter.

    [Jane turns away from him, thinking]

    St John Rivers: I fear you have not forgotten your old association despite the harm he tried to do you.

    Jane Eyre: I'll never see any of them again. But I owe a debt to my friends at Thornfield Hall. In many ways, I started my life there. I became Jane Eyre.

    St John Rivers: God made Jane Eyre! You surely don't give this man Rochester any credit for that!

    Jane Eyre: Of course not. I've always known myself. But he was the first to recognize me. And to love what he saw.

    [long pause]

    Jane Eyre: I'll give you your answer St. John soon, don't worry. And if I go with you that will be my decision. You'll have him to thank for that.

    [leaves the room]

  • Jane Eyre: You think because I am poor, plain, obscure and little, that I have no heart?

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