
Bailey 2022-03-22 08:01:03

I don't have Edward's dream scissors, who can cut out a sea of ​​fantasy; I'm not a witty Edens family member who can stick to the castle and enjoy it. Therefore, when the nightmare of alienation becomes a reality and forms a cocoon that surrounds us, all the simple, normal, and even sensational and hypocritical mainstream factors are all left behind, and the trajectory of life becomes an odd one. Huge lizards, meandering and crawling in the dark.

"Running with Scissors" outlines another aspect of contemporary American humanities with the growth of a teenager. Ryan Murphy, a well-known choreographer and director of the popular drama "The Plastic Surgery Room", moved to the big screen. He abandoned the "American Beauty"-style discussion of mid-life crisis and moral values, and instead pointed the finger at the deformed Oedipus complex, Juvenile drug abuse, homosexuality and other acute social problems have brought together the products of social development and the great impact of moral standards and cultural changes, creating a very dark and humorous urban strange talk.

If you want to find a standard character in the movie that conforms to mainstream norms, you will definitely be disappointed. Two extremely deformed families can no longer be summed up as "eccentric": one is cleanliness, Oedipus, narcissism, unwilling to contact the outside world Joseph Cross, the son of society; Annette Bening, a bisexual mother who has always been a poet who has never published a work, indulged in the space of self-imagination, and Alec Baldwin, an alcoholic and teacher father who rarely communicates with her son; the other side It is the "Monster Beast Corps" led by Brian Cox, a psychiatrist who can't heal himself, including his wife who likes to eat dog food and watch soap operas; the eldest daughter who believes in her father as God, relies on the Bible for all actions, and is insulated from desire and sex. Gwyneth Paltrow; a gay adopted son with extremely fragile nerves; coupled with the rebellious second daughter who likes to dance, 8 characters with extremely twisted psychology gather together, and the road of life that is not a good road is even more thorny.

Ryan Murphy is worthy of being a master storyteller. With so many characters and tedious plots, in his hands it doesn't seem confusing at all, and the nostalgic songs unconsciously bring the audience's emotions back to the era when values ​​and ego were out of control. . The loneliness and helplessness of teenagers, youth, and adults keep spreading. They use various ways to vent, imagine taking a bath to wipe away the fears entangled in their hearts, and want to use invisible scissors to tear the obstacles on the road, but Still can't get out of the dark wasteland. Joseph Cross had just received the blow of his parents' divorce, and was then abandoned by his mother in Brian Cox's home for so-called "full-scale" psychiatric treatment. This boy, who has grown up in his mother's neurotic doting and pampering since childhood, can't adapt to the real life without his mother. What's more fatal is that he has to face the same riddled and grotesque Brian Cox family. This boy is too heavy. Since there is no cure for heart disease, I can only rely on my own courage to break the shackles of my heart. I have seen my mother fall into the brink of mental breakdown time and time again, and my desires between the same sex can no longer be burned. I am standing with my second daughter. After smashing the ceiling on the dining table in order to have a wider space, Joseph Cross finally realized that everything could not be relieved by timid and tearful fear and imagination, the ceiling collapsed, and there was still a dilapidated and depressing castle above. , Only by breaking with the past completely can we get rid of the predicament on the road of growth.

Joseph Cross chose to leave, and he said goodbye to everyone silently. Our nerves have returned from madness to calm after repeated unbelievable shocks. Everyone has found a home, although their ending cannot be determined by the traditional moral standards of this society. Accommodate, but at least, after anger, sadness, and pain, we have all learned to grow up.

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Running with Scissors quotes

  • Augusten Burroughs: I'm gay.

    Natalie: Big deal.

  • Augusten Burroughs: Agnes, what are you going to do now?

    Agnes Finch: Maybe I'll take down the Christmas tree.