1. V caressed Mathilde's bulging belly. (New life is born all the time, but new is dying again and again.)
2. In the time of François I, good giants roamed the country, their only purpose was to eradicate the pedants, fools and untalented writers, know what they did? Just urinating from a height.
3. It's can't be endure it everything is endurable. (V is not willing to leave his perfect wife and living body and follow R's soul)
4. I love her body because it's more faithful. V said.
5. No, that's not fidelity, it's nostalgia. R dismantled him.
6. Once drunk, V's wife said, "Please, your R, give him my father's cross back." V said, "An old man who drives out the poor doesn't deserve a cross. The poor can only steal if they want to read." V's wife said, "This is enough to show his character." V slapped the pregnant wife to the ground, and then apologized in a panic. He was struggling, moments before and moments after.
7. Drunk again, he smashed the baby's cradle against the wall like a wine bottle, and said to his wife, "Look, you look like a saint, you just need a halo. I'll give it to you." Burning her hair with a candle.
8. R said, either don't hurt, or completely hurt, don't insult the victim with an apology.
9. R excitedly told V, I have already thought about my great future, I just want to become anyone.
10. R said, what I fear most is to become someone else in the eyes of others.
11. I have researched the shapes of happiness, no one escapes - Rimboud.
12. My crisist: The turely happiness is cruelest like Rimboud and no one now can be attainable, for his dread death. 13. I am like a weak Verlaine, writing the sentence that the apple rots in the spring, with a life of ease, it is not as good as
Sad, look at the rude Rimbaud who broke into Verland's house, he startled me hiding behind the screen, I always thought I was fearless, Rimbaud made me ashamed and made me no longer There is shame, we always happy, V can finally say that when he is old.
Silence can no longer weave solemnity, solemnity is useless, like a church kicked away by a storm.
Fuck it, it's the truth.
13. Meant is exactly what that is, word for word, no more, no less - Rimboud. (I think, I have the same hatred and disappointment as him.)
14. You have missing - R said it twice to V, before and after V was in jail for sodomy. V fired the bullet frantically, but only penetrated R's palm. After that, R completely left V.
15. The world is too old, nothing new - Rimboud. R never wrote poetry after that.
16. I will have money, I shoud be cruel and idle.——Rimboud. When R's sister asked V for the poem, V read R's poem and tore up his sister's business card.
17. Poem is the ticking of the truth - Poem is the absolute truth of a moment, that's what comes to my mind.
18. We wandered and quarreled, just haven't found the antidote to living.
20. I foud it!
21. Foud what? Eternity, It's the sun melts into the sea - Rimboud.
22. The end of the play.
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