bloody wings

Maia 2022-09-07 17:58:08

After my friend introduced me to the movie "Turtles Can Fly", I heard Xiao Er's praise for it when I listened to Wutiaoren in Guangzhou... However, I didn't seem to be disturbed by the strong recommendation of my friends until It took a long time to finally put it in my DVD player today.
In fact, when trying to write something about a movie after watching it, I always hope that I can forget about the movie I just watched as soon as possible...I always hope that it can be removed from me in the purest way. Settled in the brain. Perhaps through a random "meditation", I can describe the "ambience" of the film.
Yes, I don't need to point out the shortcomings of the film itself like a professional film critic, nor do I need to find many things to learn from movies like people who learn to make movies or write scripts. Film, what angle should I take to "interpret" it?
This question began to haunt me on my journey when I found myself watching a movie with a less pure attitude than when I was "wasting" the rest of my time aimlessly.
So, can a certain "atmosphere" in which a film or a film immerse me immerse me in, can it be the object of my "observation" or "description" like the specific things I usually come into contact with?
At this time, A Pu, a genius painter with some intellectual problems in Guangzhou, suddenly came up with the idea of ​​painting music... After the idea of ​​"painting music" came into being, Pu took all the subjective and subjective feelings that he had after listening to classical music. The illusory feeling is expressed one by one with the brush in his hand.
Pu's approach makes me feel that it is actually feasible to describe the atmosphere or the feeling, but it may be too difficult for me to describe the feeling of the movie. As for this movie, I don't remember the amusing words of the "Kid King" satellite that my friends talked about and the innocence of the children around me. What I can't get out of my mind is wearing a red dress. The little girl in Yi was struggling hard in the stormy night, trying to escape the claws of the soldiers, while the little girl's brother who lost both arms lay on the ground weakly and roared: Let her go! Leave her alone!
The footage of the movie is shaking at the moment. The dim light, the shaking camera, the blurred and hideous faces of the soldiers, and the girl's struggle and hysterical crying, begging and roaring are superimposed together. This force is enough to tear anyone drinking Coke and eating potato chips. Sitting in front of the screen and watching this movie hearts.
I don't want to believe the fact that the little girl was ravaged by many soldiers, but the war made this tragic event a reality.
At this time, I gradually understood the little girl's silence at the beginning of the movie, gradually understood why she always rudely shook off the little hand of the child beside her, and gradually understood why the innocent son was a bastard in her eyes...
The little girl actually bears a lot of things that are unimaginable to outsiders. She always comes to the edge of the high mountain cliff and looks at the green mountains and the clean and misty white clouds in a daze... Every time I know that she really wants to be right She jumped up against the cliff, but every time she could be seen turning away in grief.
Until the news of the possible end of the war came, the little girl gradually understood that the fact that she was raped by soldiers and gave birth to a baby would not be able to hide from everyone, and neither herself nor her brother who lost his arms as young as himself could let her know this. Raise a baby who has a love-hate relationship with it.
In order to let herself forget the pain and shame that will never be washed away, in order to keep her children from growing up in the ridicule of everyone, and in order to let her brother live a decent and happy life, what can she do?
So, we see girls deliberately putting their children on the edge of cliffs, minefields, and lakes... Every time we are immersed in the joy of children being rescued by people who don't know the truth, and The girl looked at the innocent child with unbearable and sorrow in her eyes, but she could only choose a heart-wrenching silence...
This deadlock of joy and sorrow was finally completely broken the day before the end of the war - the
satellite sitting on the lake While crying silently, the girl's armless brother wailed and dived into the lake to try to rescue the baby that had been submerged in the lake.
At the end of the movie, the armless brother came to the edge of the cliff and shouted out his sister's name to the vast sky... Then, with tears in his eyes, he picked up his sister's shoes left on the edge of the cliff and left silently.
In fact, in the face of war, in the face of the unfortunate people in the baptism of war, all words are superfluous... I fell silent. When I looked up and tried to read the words I just typed, I suddenly realized that tears had blurred my eyes.
If it is said that turtles can really fly, I think its long wings are obviously blood-soaked.

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  • Agrin: teach them math and science!

    Satellite: they know math and science. they have to learn how to shoot now!