The vulgar atmosphere can't hide the anti-system chaos, the charm of the movie

Graham 2021-10-22 14:32:32

Although some plots of the film are slightly vulgar, some of the godly passages are worthy of the annals of history (such as the typist, the disappeared person in the document, the courtship, the church). The viewing process of the whole film is very depressing, borrowing a lot of settings from 1984, but its fantasy style highlights the advantages of image characteristics, and it does not become a reprint of "1984". Although I personally don’t like cult very much, the proper cult in this film fully exerts the curse of modernity, the ugly and dirty side of human nature, anti-totalitarian, anti-automation, anti-utopia, anti-procedure, anti-system, although it is a mess. Stewed but it looks really enjoyable. I don’t know the cost of the film, but I can see that the director is very careful about the details~ The carefully made posters and props have added points to the film, and I must strongly recommend it. The use of lens language is also very successful. The majestic office buildings, the red-lit industrial area, the surreal clouds, the large number of wide-angle lenses, and the proper hand-held are all very good.
In addition, does the film have an ambiguous attitude towards industrial civilization? Although the heroine does not have many roles, does it have a feminist color? I like the heroine very much.

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Extended Reading

Brazil quotes

  • Mrs. Terrain: There's been a little complication with my complication

  • [first lines]

    Singers: [TV commercial jingle] Central Services: We do the work, you do the pleasure.

    TV commercial pitchman: Hi, there. I want to talk to you about ducts.