If you could redefine the world, what would your ideal world be like?

Pete 2022-09-19 07:26:27

I was recently picked up by Amway, a Japanese anime, Shi Jiyuan. I will open it whenever I have time. I have finished watching the first season. This is an anime that can’t be stopped once it starts.

At the beginning of the story, a green light sweeps the world and everyone is petrified, however, only people are petrified, other animals seem to be unaffected.

Although it was petrified, it seems that human consciousness is still there, although 3,700 years have passed, the petrified people are still alive.

A scientific genius named Qiankong was resurrected first, why do we know how long people have been petrified. Because this man named Qiankong kept counting the seconds when he was petrified, so he knew how many days had passed and how many years had passed. Even his own resurrection time is calculated by himself, and he has to wait until the spring flowers bloom, otherwise there may not be enough food to survive the bad weather.

In such a petrified world, people have been resurrected one after another because of Qiankong's help, but in the face of such a world that looks like a newborn, how to define this world has become a problem for several of them, but not everyone The idea is the same.

Socrates said that no one is willing to do evil.

But everyone's choice is different, and it's worth thinking about why.

If you could redefine the world, what would your ideal world be like? Looking at this question, maybe everyone can come up with their own answer.

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