Dr. Caligari Screening Manual: Visions of Heaven

Johan 2022-09-04 19:57:47

The literal translation of the film's name should be "Paradise Illusion", the film describes a composer's inner struggle when entering the "heaven" of the recording industry. Several images in the film are not real people, but an insinuation of the author's inner state. Specifically, the composer represents the creator himself; the phoenix represents the purest thing in his heart, which is what he pursues in the spiritual realm. , to put it simply, an angel; a golden rock star represents his inner desire, that is, something created for the sake of fame and fortune, and to put it simply a devil; a swan is the big man of the record industry, and he is the one who signed the devil contract with him. This person represents the temptation of fame and fortune. He is Mephistopheles in "Faust". Let's call him Satan for the time being (different from his inner demon).

The film shows the creator's inner state through the behavioral changes of these characters. The composer was a nobody at the beginning. He loved to create and devoted himself to the pure spiritual world of music. He wrote a very good song. The musical is called "Faust". It was discovered by Satan in the recording industry. He likes his works very much and thinks he can use it to make money. 's sheet music. At this time, the angel in the composer's heart appeared. In the audition of "Paradise Concert Hall", a group of dirty voices could not express the connotation of music, only she could sing the voice in his heart, pure and beautiful, this is the composer's The original intention, the spiritual paradise he pursued in his creation, she is a resident there. This angel loves singing. She believes that the record industry should choose the most suitable person to sing. It turns out that the boss of the record industry, Satan, is a lecherous person who doesn't know how to appreciate music at all. He only uses unspoken rules to select "rookies". The angel who couldn't bear such unspoken rules left angrily. This metaphor is that the composer is unwilling to create according to the "big data" of the record industry boss, refuses to modify his music to entertain the public, he wants to keep his ideals in all aspects, That is, the purity of the guardian angel, which cannot be touched by Satan. Satan directly took his music and modified it. At this time, the composer was very angry and refused to cooperate. He went to court to defend his copyright, and ended up in prison. After all, the court only favored the rich. After trying to escape from prison, the composer came He went to the record company to destroy it, intending to destroy the records that were already in mass production, but an accident occurred in a desperate situation, causing half of his face to be burned and his vocal cords damaged.

After the accident, the composer lost his voice (the media does not support him, he has no voice), at this time Satan found him and told him that you can no longer sing because you are disfigured anyway, just sign a contract with me! The composer, tempted by fame and fortune, signed a blood pact with Satan, that is, a pact signed with his own blood, which was of a magical nature. The composer puts on a mask to cover his ugly face, because when he compromises with fame and fortune, he has no face to face himself. In this audition conducted by voice, the masked composer heard the angel singing again. At this time, the angel was willing to give up everything in order to be famous. The devil needs her voice. Then guard the purity of the angel. What she sings is to persuade him to look back: "You don't work hard to survive, just to be Somebody, but you've forgotten if you're alive, you're so special to me, I don't know where you want to go? When you daydream and fell into the devil, the devil was already eyeing you." The angel was reminding him that you had entered the devil's way. Immediately followed by an inner monologue of the composer: "I am very lonely and incomprehensible, I hope I can be loved and accepted by others, so I signed a contract with Satan, willing to sell my soul in exchange for the support of others, I am being driven by desire. Devour." He wanted the angel to sing his song and sing his heart, but Satan felt that although the angel's voice was very beautiful, it was not a hit, because not many people knew how to appreciate it, even if you are like this now Broken voice, I can also make you popular through post-production sound effects and publicity and marketing. What we need is a visual department, a geek, a trendy element that young people like, and no one will appreciate classical things.

In the audition conducted by Satan alone, all kinds of people came to sing the songs written by the composer, and they all changed their tastes. Among them, there was a golden star who sang very badly, but he was favored by Satan at a glance, because he had young Favorite appearance characteristics: tall and handsome, rebellious and brainless, full of anger. At this time, the camera turns to the composer's inner monologue: "I'm like in a circus, I don't know what the audience wants, all the devils who disturb me, come into my heart together, my angels will resist you." At that time, he had already started to use the psychedelic drugs that Satan gave him to create. Psychedelic drugs brought sensory stimulation, that is, the "inspiration" generated in the irrational state of intertwined desires, which is "Faust". The witchcraft and magic that the devil is best at using, this kind of magic can achieve all your desires, but it is not real. The appearance of this golden rock star represents that the composer has surrendered to the business model, and he uses magic to create the paradise of desire that the audience loves.

Many people say that reading and watching movies is "dreaming". Real life is not beautiful, and I need a safe haven! The "Music Paradise" in this movie is also a kind of desire paradise transformed by magic. Wouldn't the audience like to be able to make money? Talk about ideals! Audiences hate reality and ideals the most. They love lies and illusions. "It's just because it's impossible, it's worth believing!" Now that you have signed a blood contract, you have to curry favor with the audience without limit, satisfy their fantasies without limit, and let them live Enter cyberpunk heaven, even if it's hell magic.

The golden star has a very simple mind, strange behavior and likes to attract people's attention. He lives in the love of the audience. He expresses very seriously that he has "thoughts". When the manager sarcastically said, do people still listen to lyrics when they listen to music? ? He answered him seriously: Shut up Fatty! My songs are very meaningful! In fact, the songs he sang changed all the composer's original lyrics, because he couldn't even read comprehension. A song all turned into lewd music, the pursuit of "sexual liberation". The composer is very dissatisfied with this golden star, because it is his inner demon, the product of his changing his style for fame and fortune, to please the audience, a freak, a walking corpse, he is facing the audience The same goes for the song: "We need a leader to satisfy our desire to do evil, I am your devil, you created me, I have unlimited sexual desires and you should all come and taste my body." Before he took the stage, composing the music The family wanted to murder him, gag his mouth with a toilet stopper to make no sound, he wanted to destroy this work, the devil of his desires. The golden star was very angry and asked Satan to shelter him, saying that the composer was insane! On the gorgeous stage, a group of devil costumers in strange costumes performed a soul-calling ceremony. The golden star appeared in a coffin. He cosplayed Frankenstein, won the audience screaming, and then provoked the audience with all kinds of outrageous and obscene actions. Purple rock star! The composer couldn't bear it any longer and killed him with lightning props. He couldn't bear his inner desires being displayed in such a perverted way. It was an exhibition of his own ugly heart.

After the golden star died, an angel came to rescue him in his place. She sang a song "Ancient Love", which is very beautiful. It describes the love of the soul. It is a typical choir song, because in Western classical music In philosophy, it is described that clean and pure souls are eternal, they will be polluted by desire, but they will return to reason when they get rid of desire, and true love is the light of rational souls shining on each other, so this kind of love is ancient and eternal, Nor will it be saddened by parting. The composer wrote a song of goodbye between lovers, because the angel at this time has been polluted by desire, and she is about to leave him and throw herself into the arms of the devil. The voice of the angel wins applause, and the audience loves the angel. The composer is so pure It has also been recognized by the audience, but as a creator, it is easy to be confused and irrational by the audience's preferences. He takes out the most precious things to please the audience, but in fact, he loses the pure land in his heart. I will use this "purity" to package myself and continue to create desires. The composer realized that he should guard the only angel, only she can fight against the devil, so he took her to the rooftop to tell him not to cooperate with Satan, but the angel couldn't listen anymore, she said that in order to become famous, I would exchange my soul for it. On the rooftop, the composer saw that his beloved angel had been taken away by the devil. She slept with the devil. He was desperate to commit suicide because he had nothing left, but the devil reminded him with a blood deed that you can't kill yourself, you I have to fulfill the contract and continue to cooperate with me.

In order to further improve the status of his record myth, Satan prepared a live TV wedding, intending to kill the angel during the live broadcast, which is to kill all the composer's ideals, make him a slave of the devil, and take his soul to hell. In order to save the angel, that is, to save himself, the composer came to Satan's house to find the contract, and found Satan's secret: he signed a blood pact with Satan in order to preserve his youth and fame. can kill him. At the live broadcast, Satan's true form was revealed. After taking off the mask, his entire face was rotten. The composer desperately saved the angel and saved his own soul, but surrounded by the audience and in the TV camera, his mask had also fallen off, revealing With a half-burned terrifying face, he truly showed how he was destroyed by desire, but no matter what, the angel survived.

The film is very clear and rationally describes the inner changes of a creator in Vanity Fair and the final self-redemption. Such a movie is still a "middle-aged movie", because what young people like is always the devil, and many creators have never had an angel in their hearts. The only thing they want is that golden rock star, bring them For fame and fortune, they cannot write such a script. The recording industry boss in the movie is a man who has never had an angel in his heart. He sells his soul to the devil in order to be "forever young". In fact, if the "forever young" person just pursues the devil's will, then his heaven will always be only An illusion created by the devil.

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Phantom of the Paradise quotes

  • Swan: This picture will age in your place. And you must watch it every day just to see how lucky you are. And the tape from which the picture comes must be guarded at all costs. When it goes, you go.

  • The Phantom: [singing] Half asleep, I hear a voice. Is it only in my mind? Or is it someone calling me, someone I failed and left behind? To work it out, I let them in. All the good guys and the bad guys that I've been. All the devils that disturb me, and the angels that defeated them somehow. Come together in me now.