The Renaissance Family from a Modern Perspective

Diego 2022-10-10 15:14:45

As soon as the melody of the opening song Renaissance (Renaissance) appeared, the majesty was mixed with surging tenderness, making people immersed in the story of that era. One of the things I admire most about the Medici family is that despite being financiers, they were able to devote themselves to art in addition to making profits and holding a lot of power. The family has funded countless artistic talents. Without them, there would not be so many works of art. From this point of view alone, they have outperformed countless mercenary businessmen in later generations.

The following analysis is based only on the plot of the American drama.

The male protagonist, Cosimo, has loved the dome all his life. When he first appeared in the first episode, he looked like a literary youth who loves art, but he is the destined heir of the family, and it is impossible for him to pursue the path of art without distractions. His father's admonitions to him are true:

The dome will not be completed by anartist or an architect.

It will be completed by a man who can marshal the vast resources needed to accomplish the task.

A man of great wealth and power.

I know you fancy yourself an artist, Cosimo.

But I too have dreams.

For this family, for this city.

And when I die, it'll be up to my sons and their son's sons to realize those dreams.

Cosimo failed to become an artist, but became the protector of countless artists. His beloved dome was what would later become the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Seeing the solemn beauty of the cathedral in the video is like hearing the classical and rich melody of Les Temps des Cathedrale by Notre Dame de Paris. When I saw that political opponents later accused him of being a usurer, I really felt bad for him. It seems that foreign countries are no exception to the emphasis on agriculture and suppression of commerce in ancient times. At this time, I thought of the swearing at Sherlock in "The Merchant of Venice". Who would have thought that the financial industry would be so despised in the past. What if he was a tyrant? Caesar was assassinated, in the final analysis, because he touched the interests of the Senate, Augustus was much smarter than him. If the Medici family can make Florence prosperous, why should the whole city have him as king.

Every time Mrs. Contessina appears, she is as beautiful as a character in a painting. Her thinking surpassed that of many women of her time. For example, she persuaded her aborted daughter-in-law, Make yourself indispensible and no one will find cause to exclude you. Believe me. And there are more ways for a woman to be indispensible than in just bearing children. (A woman has more than just bearing children. multiple ways to prove your worth), a manifesto for modern feminism. From this, it comes to mind that in the French version of Borgia, in order to win back the favor of her third husband, Lucrenzia Borgia had to try her best to seduce him in order to give him offspring to consolidate her status. Especially the scene when she rode into the hall to negotiate with the ruling corps and rescue her husband, with long hair and a shawl, her heroic appearance. Loyal as she is, for the benefit of the family, even her first love does not forget to use it. As a result, after her husband came back from exile, he brought a concubine to stimulate her, and accused her of not abiding by women, which was really heartbreaking. Purely watching the plot, Contessina should fall in love with Cosimo after marriage. From the moment she married into the Medici family, she truly considered herself a Medici. Just as Cosimo asked her before marriage:

From the moment we are married, you will be a Medici.

You will not act as an agent for your father's bank, telling him our family's secrets.

You will be my wife, and you will beloyal to me, and only to me.

do you understand?

I believe that Contessina loves Cosimo from the bottom of her heart. After all, not everyone can meet a man with grand ambitions, not to mention that he became the de facto ruler of Florence. It is a pity that Cosimo is the patriarch, one of the founders of the great Medici family, but he is just an ordinary member of the patriarchal society. No matter how nice his wife was to him, it was only a matter of course. Perhaps influenced by the society at that time, he did not appreciate the strong element of the lady's character, even if this strong character could save his life and the fate of the family.

In the season one finale, Cosimo apologized to Contessina, and the two got back together, even closer because of family ties.

Attachment: some lyrics of the theme song

I'm here for all to see

I'm here to prove to everyone

In my bones there's dignity

The dignity engraved in my blood

I will fight them

I will fight them to the end

I can say that I can change the world

I promise I will change the world

But if you let me I can change the world for us

If you believe, I will change the world for us

Come with me and

follow me

Make this vision all brand new

I will make the world a new one.

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