Did the merman in the movie really reconcile with humans in the end?

Jamey 2022-09-07 14:24:00

After watching this movie, I found that many people think that the boy and the mermaid lived in harmony in the end, but I don't think so.

After I went back and watched the details, I felt that the mermaid might not have reconciled with the human guy in the end. First of all, at the beginning of the movie, the uncle told the guy who just came, we are the invaders, so I feel that this movie implies whether the invaders will end up in the end. The meaning of being able to get along with the aborigines (I feel that there are many metaphors in the movie, but I don’t know much about it, I just want to discuss whether the two sides have reconciled in the end).

At the end of the movie, the guy (that is, the male protagonist in the movie), when he was trying to negotiate with the mermaid, first persuaded the uncle that the mermaid intends to "truce", indicating that there is still a conflict between the two sides.

Then, after the uncle returned to the tower, the shot hit the mermaid child in the chest, causing him to die on the spot. During the war, when the uncle took the boy to guard the lighthouse every night, they killed all adult male mermaids, and maimed the child. It is unconvincing from any point of view, indicating that the two sides have broken down at this time.

At the same time, there is a detail here, that is, when the guy was going back to the lighthouse to negotiate with the uncle, he said "stay" to the mermaids, which means to keep them away from the lighthouse. From the details of the movie, the place where the mermaid child died is from the lighthouse. It is relatively far away, but when the uncle left the lighthouse and committed suicide, the mermaid could see that it had been in ambush near the lighthouse for a long time, and the adult male mermaid appeared again. It can be seen that the contradiction between the mermaid and the human is not because of the young man. And the uncle's fight was resolved.

At this time, I also thought about whether the uncle made a sacrifice for the sake of reconciliation or a truce in the end, but if you think about it carefully, it is obviously impossible. After hearing the uncle's scream, the young man quickly locked the door and took the axe (in a sense, it also implies that the young man has inherited the uncle's idea - to destroy the aliens), which shows that the death of the uncle not only did not disintegrate the contradiction between the two parties, Instead, it deepened.

This is how I understand this paragraph. At first, the guy thought that mermaids are civilized species and they can negotiate, but they do not feed on humans, but the final death of the uncle escalated the conflict from aggression to predation. The contradiction of survival, so it has been impossible to reconcile.

Finally, at the end of the movie, when the guy becomes an uncle, the visitor also wakes him up from his slumber, which means that the guy can't go to bed early at night, does that mean that the guy is continuing to fight the mermaid, and the lighthouse There is a shot from the window showing a wooden thorn, indicating that the guy is still vigilant against the creatures in this sea. Another point is that the run of the mermaid at the end is not so much a run for freedom as it is a tip-off, and there is no decoration or clothing on the mermaid, indicating that the mermaid does not live with the boy.

I don't really understand the details of the boy's life at the end of the movie, such as pressing a book with a stone and hanging a cup with a rope. Become an uncle and his life will always repeat the uncle's previous behavior, and the white bone ship representing peace was thrown on the table at will.

I think the arrival of the next person will make the story cycle again. There is also a dialogue that the two often ask in the movie, which is "Why are you here?" The uncle was affirmed by the guy at the end of the movie that "you are not a murderer", indicating that he let himself The reason for being isolated on the island was solved by the guy, and why the guy came here and what he came to avoid has not been said since the beginning of the movie, is that if the next person comes, he can also solve the problem? What's the spell he's stuck with here.

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Cold Skin quotes

  • Gruner: Fucking toad spy, how dare you leave me, how dare you leave me

    Gruner: You figured me out, I came to the ass end of the world to get famous

  • Friend: We are on a tiny island of what we know, surrounded by an ocean of what we don't