the warmth of life

Jalyn 2022-03-15 08:01:02

The main expressions of film language are pictures and actions. Even if the protagonists are a few bears, they can tell wonderful stories without any human language, as long as they are properly edited and sequenced. The movie "The Bear" is such a typical work. I admire director Jean-Jacques Annaud's ability to capture the shots. In his films, wild beasts in nature that are difficult for humans to control can actually become actors and perform their own stories.

The appearance of the first set of shots tells the most brutal scene. When the little bear and his mother were digging for honey, there was a sudden loud noise, and a big rock that rolled down the mountain smashed the mother to death. At that moment, the little bear was stunned. He realized that his mother must be in pain, so he continued to use his mouth and limbs to carry the huge rock. The clumsy, helpless and desperate cry clearly made me see a trace of human beings. Maybe this is a kind of nature in the animal kingdom, which belongs to the instinct of family affection. After a series of struggles, the little bear finally found that he couldn't move the stones, and his mother had already left him. He lay beside his mother, enjoying the last bit of warmth that her mother brought him. While crying, he saw a butterfly. White, pretty butterfly. He must have thought that it was his mother's soul, which was constantly flying around him, indicating that his mother was still by his side.

Children who have lost their mother usually have some tragic experiences, and the little bear runs helplessly and confused in the field. Falling into the water and being bullied by a frog. Lying alone on the edge of a cliff at night, shivering with nightmares about the frog during the day. Even though nature is still so beautiful, the grass is still bright green, and the moonlight is still charming, the little bear feels that he has been abandoned by this world.

And in this forest, there lives another bear, who is big and confident roaming his world. That flamboyant footprint finally made him a hunter's target. He can scare away squirrels and birds, but he can't dodge the shotgun hidden behind the bushes. He was hit. But he still escaped. The director of his encounter with the little bear handled it very delicately. With the eyes of the two bears, the cry of the big bear, and the body movements of the little bear that lingered and ran and finally approached the big bear, it explained a group of dialogues between the bear and the bear from suspicion to knowing each other.

In the process of Xiaoxiong following the big bear to travel the world, it was once again proved that the big bear really belongs to a successful bear warrior in the bear world. He can catch a lot of big fish, catch up with flying deer, and he can easily impress the hearts of the opposite sex, and successfully let himself spend a night of spring supper. And the little bear was still so naive to fish for the moon in the water and accidentally ingested the poisonous mushroom. During the hallucination of the little bear, he regarded the colorful mushrooms as butterflies, but in fact a white butterfly was parked on his paw, which formed a contrast with the butterfly when the mother bear just died. , and then a rain woke the little bear. I would rather believe that this is the appearance of the mother bear, protecting her child from harm in the dark.

Humans play a disgraceful role in this movie, but human activities more or less advance the cub's growth process. The numb expression on the hunter's face when peeling the bear's skin, the sinister smile after he moved his hands and feet on the bullet, the gun barrel in the moonlight, the wretchedness of being frightened when he encounters a big bear, and the frivolity when he mocks the little bear with condensed milk. The audience was deeply disgusted. Human activities made the bear gradually develop a sense of self-protection, and finally he could play in the human camp. The most touching scene was when the little bear saw his mother at the hunter. He desperately broke the rope that bound him. Although his mother had only one skin left, he still had to lie down. By his mother's side, maybe he can still feel her mother's temperature. The turning point of the hunter being influenced may be when he sees this picture.

Also worth mentioning is the hero complex of the big bear. I clearly saw in him the shadow of the hero in Chinese martial arts films. First of all, he was brave, did things without hesitation, healed himself when he was injured, and took the initiative to attack when he saw the prey. He can also enter the enemy camp alone without fear of more than ten hunting dogs, which is very similar to the style of "Jet Li". Then there is his passion. Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by Meirenguan, and Daxiong is no exception, and his career will never be hindered by women. After a one-night stand, he chooses to slap his butt and leave, which is very masculine. Finally, his benevolence and righteousness. The so-called benevolent is invincible. In the individual confrontation with the hunter, after he showed his superiority by shouting, he actually chose to release the hunter, which also won the possibility of life for himself and the bear.

The little bear finally grew up at the moment of the battle with the clouded leopard. He called out the neigh that represented his growth, even though there was a big bear supporting him behind the cry. But he is no longer afraid of the next days, although he is not accompanied by his mother.

The film uses tracking shooting, using many panoramic shots, as well as some close-ups of animal expressions and eyes, and interspersed with some empty shots, which well shows the inner world of animals and the sounds of nature. Finally, a line of subtitles was typed: "The most exciting thing is not killing, but the right to life." I think this is not only a warning to people to establish a sense of equal treatment of life, but also to praise the kindness of the big bear to release life. The last two pictures are the scenes of the big bear and the little bear sweetly sleeping in the cave for hibernation and the forest is covered with snow and ice.

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The Bear quotes

  • Tom: [speaks to bear cub] I... Tom.

  • [Angered by the death and maiming of their horses and mule by the Kodiak bear in retaliation for being shot by his companion Tom, Bill is filled with vengeance]

    Bill: I swear it I'll kill you!

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