"Ten Days in Crisis" is a movie about the relationship between mother and child!

Barton 2021-10-22 14:32:28

Why Annie is a mother and Paul is a child

At the beginning of the film, Paul was seriously injured in a car accident. Annie pulled him out of the car and gave him artificial respiration to save him. This is the giving of life. This is giving him a second life, just like a mother.

During the recovery period, Paul suffered severe fractures in both legs and one arm and severely restricted his mobility, so he relied on Anne for his food and drink for a day. This is like an infancy child who is helpless and needs the care of his mother.

In the film, Annie not only prepared a liquid breakfast similar to baby food for Paul, but also shaved and wiped his mouth.

All the above shows that the setting of the relationship between the two is a metaphor for the parent-child relationship, and the following plot also highly overlaps the parent-child relationship.

The first stage of parent-child relationship-closeness

When Annie rescued Paul, the relationship between the two was intimate. Paul was grateful for Anne's life-saving grace, and Anne was very excited about seeing the idol. At the same time, Annie takes care of Paul in every possible way, satisfying all his needs. Paul is also very satisfied with his situation.

This stage is the first stage of the parent-child relationship-closeness.

During the period between the child's arrival in the world and the end of childhood, the parents, especially the mother and the child, are intimate, inseparable, and inseparable from each other.

Especially in the infancy before the age of one year and two, the child still thinks that his mother and himself are one. At this time, as long as he cries, his mother will help him solve all the problems. Make the baby feel that the whole world exists to satisfy him.

As a mother at this stage, you can decide how to love your child, decide everything about your child, and have complete control over your child. Because the child cannot speak or is too young to actually refuse.

For example, mothers can dress up their children whatever they want, and some mothers who want sons but give birth to girls will also dress up their children as boys to raise them, even for several years. For example, the mother will eat whatever the child gives, and the mother will do what the mother asks.

The second stage of the parent-child relationship-the rift in the rebellion

The sign of entering the second stage of the film is that Anne discovered that Paul had written to death the protagonist of the series of stories in the new book. Annie was very angry, because he was so good to Paul but betrayed by Paul. At the same time, as the injury improves, Paul hopes to get in touch with the outside world, and he refuses Anne's request to rewrite the book.

Annie had to be very cruel and deliberately broke Paul's already healed ankle again. In fact, it symbolizes Anne's castration of Paul's self. At the same time, Paul also began to search the house without telling Anne, discovered many of Anne's previous secrets, and tried to escape many times. One time, he hid a knife and prepared to attack Anne carelessly, and one time, he put a lot of tranquilizers in Anne's wine, but unfortunately they didn't succeed.

This part of the movie corresponds to the rebellion of the child's puberty. Because as the age grows, the child feels more and more that he is an independent individual, and he has his own opinions different from his parents. Parents often place their unfulfilled goals in life on their children, and get furious when they find that their children have not done what they have arranged.

Some parents will even self-abuse and save money for their children's education. Under the premise of paying such a huge amount, children who fail to meet expectations or do not want to follow the path arranged by their parents will cause intense conflicts in the family.

The contradiction between independence and control

If the parents, especially the mother, are too strong, they will devour the child's ego, then from now on this will be a poor person who has no ego and lives completely under the mother's lust. Everything in life must be arranged by the mother. And this kind of time is particularly prone to spoiling, and spoiling will cause the child's helplessness in the face of external setbacks. The so-called Ma Bao Nan is of this type.

And the mother will also lose her original self but everything is for the child, so that every time the child does something the mother does not allow, he will feel deep guilt. The mother will use these guilt to achieve goals, such as urging marriage and giving birth to children. Of course these are all under the excuse of the so-called good for you.

The third stage of parent-child relationship-separation and independence

At the end of the film, Paul burns the rewritten manuscript, lures Annie to come forward, kills her in the fight, and finally escapes to heaven.

How to separate?

This paragraph corresponds to the separation of parents and children under normal conditions. Children must have an independent self and start a life under their control. Of course, this separation is undoubtedly painful, just like parents who want to send their children to college can feel.

After the children become adults, they should have lived their lives. However, the current parents' pervasive interference in their children's lives has not only failed to increase happiness in their lives, but has made everyone miserable.

Parents who have a second child hope that they will not make such mistakes again. When children are young, try to accompany them and love them. As they grow up, they must learn to let go. Children have their own future. In addition to interfering with their children, there are many things in your life. Do.

Humans keep pets not because they love small animals, but because they can’t speak and resist. We can love them and control everything about them. The most common thing is to train dogs to do all kinds of things.

It should be said that Hitchcock's "Scary" is a case of separation failure in the movie of parent-child separation. Norman's mother interfered in everything he did when he was alive. Norman couldn't accept all this when his mother died, so two personalities came into being. In the end, the audience will find that Norman's ego has been completely swallowed by his mother's ego. He was originally a split personality and now only his mother's personality is left in the human body.

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Misery quotes

  • Paul Sheldon: [Paul is trying to use his "key" to unlock the door of his room] Come on, you've written about this. Now, do it.

    Paul Sheldon: [the "key" unlocks the door and he opens it] What do you know? It actually works.

  • Virginia McCain: [Virginia and Buster are driving along the mountain road]


    Virginia McCain: Well, this sure is fun.

    [She later takes her hand and lovingly rubs Buster's leg]

    Sheriff John T. 'Buster' McCain: [Buster is sensing what's going on] Virginia, when you're in this car, you're not my wife, you're my deputy.

    [He takes her hand and puts it back on the steering wheel]

    Virginia McCain: [Sarcastically] Well, this deputy would rather be home under the covers with the sheriff.