heaven has no color

Jackson 2022-03-19 08:01:02

I watched this movie today and cried several times. The name is Colors of Heaven, and it comes from the work of Iranian director Majid Majidi. The English name is The Color of Paradise. Paradise means paradise and paradise in English. According to legend, it is a place where there is no pain, no sorrow, no ugliness. But in this real land, Muhammad was a blind child. His serene expression showed that there was some kind of longing lurking in him, no deep scars, but no bone-chilling joy. He studied hard and lived quietly. He imagined this beautiful world through language. He hid his love and desire in his heart. The school was on holiday, and Mohammed was the only one left in the empty campus. The other children were picked up by their parents. Parents who seem to be well-off are eagerly waiting at the school gates to kiss their children in the first place. Although they have talent flaws, they do not begrudge their love because of it. Because of this, parental love has the same sublime brilliance as the sun. Confucius said thousands of years ago: Cang Lin will know the etiquette after the truth. Little Muhammad was sitting on a shabby bench waiting for his father. He climbed a tree with difficulty and returned a bird that had fallen from its nest. He was so weak that he even scared off the vicious cat. He could not see him. The protector of the flightless bird. When he was fumbling around to find his lost "mobile phone", he finally found his old and poor father. That complicated look had actually foreshadowed everything that followed.
Muhammad stretched out his little hand and groped his father's hand, sobbing and saying: I thought you would not come. We never know how easily we can fill up and destroy a whole world for a child who doesn't even have a voice. Because we have spent more years and have a stronger pair of hands, we have seized the power.
The joy of getting together is moving, but such bright and bright colors quickly passed.
In the echoes of prophecy in the valleys of the mountains and forests, Muhammad almost instinctively predicted that his father would abandon him. He cried to the carpenter who was also blind.
The carpenter asked: Why are you crying?
Muhammad said: You know, no one likes me. They all left me because I was blind... Our teacher said God loves blind people more because they can't see. But I told him that if God really loved us, he wouldn't make us so blind that we couldn't see him. The teacher replied: God is invisible. He is everywhere, you can feel him, you can feel him through your fingers. Now I look around for God until I can feel him in my hand and tell him all the secrets in my heart...
There are so many sounds of nature in the film, maybe this is the world that Muhammad who can't see the color can perceive, maybe it is We are so fascinated by the complexity in front of us that we overlook too many things. The ghostly echoes of God's ravings made the father who was at a loss frightened. The man was no better than poor child Muhammad, who lamented that God's injustice had made him suffer an unfortunate fate, and that reality had tempted him to obey the devil's guidance. The gray-haired grandmother was silent like a philosopher. This loving mother and grandmother have given Muhammad so much love. Like all working women in the world, they have worked hard all their lives and never complained. Their wrinkled faces will always be the most beautiful in my heart. Alas, there are too many such beautiful faces in my heart, and this heavyness has accumulated in my heart. One day, I hope to put this heavyness into writing... Muhammad said: Grandma's hands are really white. Grandma said: I am doing rough work in the field, my hands are black, and I am not satisfied with calluses, how can I be white? Muhammad said: No, in my opinion, your hand is as white and soft as a lady's hand, and it is the most beautiful hand. As the saying goes, the eyes are bright and the heart is bright. Muhammad does not have bright and clear eyes, but his heart is brighter than all the eyes that are dirty in the world.
At the end of the film, poor little Mohammed stretches out his hand towards the golden sunlight. Is that touch of gold the color of heaven? Little Muhammad went to God, and what secret did he tell?
There are too many misfortunes and sufferings in this world, they are not ugly shadows in the sun, but chronic diseases of you and me. Happy people cannot see the misfortunes of others, just as unfortunate people cannot see the misfortunes of others. I imagined God standing in the high clouds watching the little human beings tossing and struggling in the huge natural world. Should I laugh or be sad? But God is invisible, he is everywhere, but never...
Majid Majidi (Majid Majidi) is a great director, watching his works, the kind of calm shock makes you understand what an international master is, Zhang Chen and others are really far behind. I have seen another of his works before, called The Children Of Heaven (The Children Of Heaven), also translated as small shoes, also made me cry for a long time, from the bland details and soothing shots all reflect the director's softness and softness. Broad heart.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.