Let's secretly fall in love before the smoke of war dissipates

Aaliyah 2022-09-05 23:05:59

Youth is like a long summer

At the beginning, the shirt of bertie has several buttons open. The scotch jacket chosen by the astringent jeeves looks good! ! ! It's a little friend, bertie, it is difficult to imagine such a small cute meeting on the battlefield, the era of the wind, Jeeves, I sat, I sat, hahahahahahaha, Jeeves, I was very funny, this is what married after everyday this garter is too big. , such an astringent young master must be o (e02 9min52) This wall face is too cute, the mental age is only five years old Keen humor hahaha bertie dog hook jeeves hiding behind the sofa makes Bertie sing okay, more parents with children e03 jeeves laugh every time I see this sleeve (like when I was going to kill a pig, bertie also had a domineering president who fell in love with me www.give you 100 pounds, leave my uncle (. hhh this plot, many years old lovers reunite again jeeves, you 're a wonder. The little couple's daily sweet and sweet e04 famous scene Dai Huahua 8min Lao Li's side sitting position is too tempting. Quietly put the clothes that jeeves picked up and stuffed them back www 22min jeeves helped to tie the shoelaces. Just, I remembered the black deacon I watched in elementary school hhh This moonlit night with Bertie's white coat is really moving Bertie's pink pajamas are kawaii Bertie's bed is so comfortable, soft, three-layer quilt e05 After watching Haus Come back to see little master Bertie, how young, it's so cute like sticking out his tongue after a prank in Chang Xia, it's a child, they look at each other so well! If Jeeves is closed, it must be because the couple is making out!!! This "Haha "Also cute, the sly bertie talking from behind jeeves fully shows the height difference of Fried Xiu, Lao Li Xiaoniao Yiren (. Everyone looks at jeeves like seeing Conan jeeves cut black!!! I remember this scene for years

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Jeeves and Wooster quotes

  • Bertie: And if *that* doesn't leave me without a stain on my conscience, then I don't know *what* it doesn't leave me without a stain on.

  • Jeeves: Am I to infer sir that you might be offering yourself for election?

    Bertie: Your inference is as always slap on the button and leading by a length in the final furlong, Jeeves.