The horror of reality is always beyond imagination

Yvonne 2022-12-20 06:10:32

This is definitely the scariest horror movie I've ever seen.

Because this is what really happened, and it comes from the real world in which you and I live.

When I saw the second half, "what the fuck" was echoing in my head.

Put aside all the discussion about marriage,

The discussion itself is a kind of chaos.

I want to explore more, how to find such a demon in reality.

I have always had an intuition that when it comes to interpersonal relationships,

Pay special attention to those who are taciturn, of course this sentence is not absolute,

It is a taciturn person who is often accustomed to suppressing various emotions and feelings in their hearts.

And once these repressed feelings erupt, the damage will be extremely terrifying.

The devil chris in this film, recall carefully,

When I first started interviewing his neighbors,

"He's always been a quieter guy, I've never seen him say so much," his neighbor said.

Including his boss and colleagues, all described him as a relatively silent and restrained person.

And a person with such a character meets a wife with a strong character,

It can also be seen from the film that Sharon said that she was in control of the relationship between the two,

Her strength is also reflected in her attitude towards Chris' parents.

So it is conceivable that under the seemingly polite conversations of chris,

In fact, he has been suppressing some emotions in his heart.

His dissatisfaction and anger were never released.

In fact, in such a relationship between husband and wife, quarrels should be very common.

But chris was surprisingly polite and restrained.

These emotions have been accumulating, and his infidelity has opened the door for it all,

He found another possibility,

And the resistance he chose can even be said to be revenge,

It's an extremely crazy way.

It cannot be said that derailment caused this tragedy.

A sane adult will know that after cheating physical pleasure,

Still the bloody reality.

But the cowardice in his character prevents him from making rational choices.

Such people often have only two choices:

Either continue to endure or perish.

This is just a rough feeling in this one-and-a-half-hour documentary,

Because this film does not fully restore enough details like "OJ Simpson",

There is no way to judge more about the evolution of the relationship, criminal minds, etc.

Think carefully about the latest news, Shanghai, Ningbo,

If you meet such a person in real life,

You must have the ability to judge and the determination to stay away.

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American Murder: The Family Next Door quotes

  • Shanann Watts: I can't tell you guys how much I am blessed.