It makes people feel more terrible than death, and the Japanese horror film "The Loop" is full of apocalyptic despair

Percival 2022-03-18 08:01:01

People feel more terrible than death, the Japanese horror film "The Loop" full of apocalyptic despair - Teller Report

Hello everyone!

Today Carp recommends an unpopular Japanese horror film "The Loop", directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa and released in 2001. It was remade by Hollywood in 2006, and two sequels were released. For some unknown reason, very few people have watched this film in mainland China. I also watched the American version first, and thought it was very general, and I watched the Japanese version after a long time. Personally, I think this is an excellent work on the same level as "Midnight Bell" and "The Grudge", and in terms of allegorical forward-looking, it is even the most profound one among Japanese horror films.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, I went out for a walk. There are not many people on the road during the Spring Festival holiday every year. This year, because of the epidemic, it is even more empty. Even the vendors who sold gifts on the roadside in previous years did not come out. I walked alone to an overpass that is usually crowded with traffic and jammed by kilometers. Looking at the road extending in all directions, there was no car passing by. At that time, I remembered the feeling of watching this movie for the first time, which made people feel more than death. Terrible, eternal, endless loneliness.

Four young people worked together in a flower shop. Taguchi, who was in charge of making a catalog, suddenly disappeared and could not be contacted for several days. His colleagues were worried about him, and Michiko felt a creepy and ominous feeling in his heart.

Came to Taguchi's house and rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one opened the door. Michiko found the key under the flowerpot by the door. Like most single men's rooms, it's messy and has nowhere to go. Michiko thought that Taguchi was not there, and wanted to find the disk containing the directory and left, but found that Taguchi was at home.

Taguchi, who was haggard, talked with Michiko for a few words, and after telling her where the disk was, took a roll of rope and walked into the next room. When Michiko was looking for the disk, she heard a slight noise from Taguchi, and went to check it. She was shocked to find that Taguchi had hanged himself in the room.

Taguchi's suicide without warning made several other young people in the flower shop fearful. When they opened the disk left by Taguchi together, they were even more stunned by the strange picture in front of them. Taguchi stood in front of the computer dumbfounded. The camera behind him and the screen displayed on the computer formed a bottomless infinite loop.

In this film, director Kiyoshi Kurosawa used a lot of these large depth-of-field compositions. The lonely figure in the deep picture creates a strong sense of depression. This kind of picture carp played when he was very young. In the era of no camera, the effect of placing a mirror in front of and behind is the same.

Liangsuke, a business student, knows nothing about the Internet. He was bored and pulled out a game CD, and installed it into the computer step by step according to the instructions. It's a pity that after fiddling for a long time, I finally got connected to the Internet. What was displayed on the computer was a picture of a person with a sluggish look like a zombie, and a picture as dumb as a walking dead. Ryosuke was startled by the ghosts on the screen, and quickly closed it. computer.

Ryosuke, who fell asleep, was awakened by the sound of the computer connection. Watching the computer uncontrollably started to play the previous horror screen again, the shocked Ryosuke quickly unplugged the power supply.

The computer began to operate uncontrollably automatically, which scared Ryosuke enough, and hurried to the computer classroom of the university to ask the experts for advice. The administrator Chunjiang heard what happened to Liangsuke, thinking that he was invaded by hackers, and told Liangsuke how to operate the next time he encountered it. Xiaobai was confused, so he had to write down the operation steps step by step with a pen.

The carp in the movie resonates quite a bit, and I got in touch with the Internet relatively early. I can't remember exactly which year, but I didn't have QQ for a year or two at the beginning. I used BBS and chat rooms all day long. I used the cat in this movie to surf the Internet, and the next MP3 took half an hour. Most of the people were about the same level as Ryosuke. At that time, people who would build machines to make systems were experts at the level of gods. At that time, few people were like the director Kurosawa Kiyoshi, who clearly realized that the Internet will completely change human life.

Yabe of the flower shop has always felt depressed and unable to let go after seeing the horror picture in Taguchi's disk. for

To find out the truth, Yabe decided to go to Taguchi's house to find clues.

When he came to Taguchi's house, Yabe was shocked to find that the place where Taguchi was hanged, on the wall where the corpse was hung, left a human-shaped black mark. Although he didn't know what was going on, he felt extremely frightened.

Many netizens regard the metaphor of this black mark as the psychological shadow left by the Hiroshima nuclear bombing on the Japanese. When I first watched this movie, I thought so too. After all, this is similar to the documentary, where the nuclear explosion left the human body instantly transpired. The traces are too similar.

After watching this movie for about a year or two, I accidentally saw a Japanese photographer's picture book on the theme of lonely death, in which many old people died, leaving this kind of mark on the place where the corpse lay on the tatami. No one has noticed for a long time, the black stains left by the oozing bodily fluids. The photo album is very shocking. I thought of this film for the first time. The feeling of loneliness expressed in Kurosawa Kiyoshi's film was not realized until then . It is more terrifying than dying alone in despair. If the soul really exists, endless loneliness in the eternal days after death.

Leaving Taguchi's house, Yabe, who was in a trance, saw that the door of a house was tightly sealed with red tape. Recalling that he had just seen the "manufacturing method of the secret room" left by Taguchi, Yabe tore the tape and walked in. In the originally empty room, the ghost of a woman suddenly appeared, and Yabe could only watch the ghost approaching him step by step with horror.

On the other side, Ryosuke's computer was automatically connected again, and a terrifying ghost picture appeared on the screen. Ryosuke tried to save the website using the method Chunjiang taught himself, but failed, so he had to print out the screen and ask Chunjiang what to do.

Finding Chunjiang in the computer room, Ryosuke explained what happened to him, but saw some flashing spots of light on the computer screen, colliding with random beatings. Ryosuke asked curiously what this was, and Chunjiang told him that it was a program for studying human social relationships. Two light spots that were too far apart would attract each other, and when the two spots were combined, they would die.

This setting in the movie accurately depicts the social mentality of human beings who have been alienated in the last century, but still yearn for closeness. In the era of online social media, this mentality has undergone tremendous changes. Even if two people are attracted to each other, they may not have the desire to be close anymore.

After the outbreak of the epidemic this year, I saw a young man with my own eyes. For more than half a year, except for my family, I had no face-to-face communication with anyone, not even once. All communication and contact were completed through the Internet. .

Recently, according to the news, some large Internet companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have tens of thousands of employees who will start working from home permanently. Not returning to work after the epidemic, but working from home alone. This benefit is self-evident, and it can save a lot of office costs, transportation time and resource consumption. But this also means that people can spend months or more without having the opportunity to look someone in the eye and talk to them.

I often joke with young people, I can really be sure, is that beauty who has been chatting on WeChat for more than half a year a woman? Loneliness can be a style of life for the mentally strong. But Kiyoshi Kurosawa's depiction of a world full of ghosts is really scary.

There will be complete spoilers behind the friendly reminder. Friends who want to keep the suspense can choose to pay attention to the carp first, and then watch the carp after watching the movie.

After encountering a ghost in the secret room, Yabe has become unhappy and behaved strangely. Michiko felt the change in Yabe, and wanted to take a leave of absence with the boss to visit. The boss told her that sometimes her enthusiasm for others can cause trouble for others.

In the development of human civilization, it is not only the technological progress in the Internet age that makes the relationship between people become more and more alienated, but it happens with every technological revolution. When I was very young, I lived in a bungalow in a large courtyard in the northeast. My friends in the south had never seen it, and my friends in the north who were a little older should know what it was like to hit coal billets. In the northern winter, bungalows need to burn coal to keep out the cold, but high-quality lump coal is very expensive. Every house buys coal noodles and loess and mixes them with water, and then uses molds to make briquettes, which are smashed and used instead of lump coal in winter. .

A month or two before winter begins, a grown male in the yard, pulls together on Sundays to get the job done for a family. Each family uses hundreds of kilograms of coal in one winter. This work is a daunting task for a family with only one adult male. Under harsh natural conditions, whether you like it or not, establishing a solid social relationship to keep warm is a necessary condition for survival.

With the development of science and technology, the productivity of human beings has been continuously improved, and there is no obstacle for human beings to survive alone. If all problems can be solved by themselves, is caring about others really becoming a disturbance? Emotionally, I think that human beings care for each other, which is a kind of warm relationship; but rationally, I often remind myself not to be nosy, and people do not necessarily need my help. So if no one asks for help in my life, I am more like the boss in the movie, not to cause trouble to others, and less trouble to myself.

Although Michiko did not follow the boss's advice and tried to help Yabe, who was ashen-faced, but unfortunately it was too late, and Yabe still sealed himself in the secret room.

The situation became more and more serious, and there were secret rooms sealed with red tape everywhere on the street, and people who committed suicide were killed, and an atmosphere of despair spread throughout Tokyo.

Witnessing the occurrence of terrifying supernatural phenomena one after another makes everyone feel haggard. Ryosuke wants to face it optimistically, while Chunjiang becomes worried.

Ryosuke and Chunjiang try to escape the city by train, but find that the crowded carriage is empty every day, with only the two of them alive. The train stopped inexplicably, and Ryosuke wanted to go to the front of the train to check what happened, but in a blink of an eye, Chunjiang had jumped off the train and disappeared.

The owner of the flower shop and her colleagues all disappeared. When Michiko wanted to contact her parents, she found that everyone she knew had disappeared and lost contact.

When Chunjiang returned home, he finally found a way to build a secret room. Ryosuke came to the door and called her to leave together, but Chunjiang's heart was locked and there was no answer.

On the deserted streets of Tokyo, Michiko and Ryosuke, who wanted to escape the city, met. The two found it was a very rare thing to meet a living person, so they decided to go together after discussion.

This film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa belongs to a film with a relatively diluted story line. The director creates a sense of despair at the end of the world through light, composition and perspective. In the 2007 Hollywood zombie film "I Am Legend", Will Smith wandered the streets of New York alone. Whether the remaining person in New York survived or was more unfortunate than the deceased is equally embarrassing.

The two films "I Am Legend" focus on narrative and have a good story line. This "Circuit" is less concerned with the twists and logic of the story. The purpose of Kurosawa's creation is to convey the deep sense of loneliness to the audience through the language of film. As for which way of performance is better, it depends entirely on the audience's aesthetic habits, and there is no right or wrong.

Ryosuke wants to take Chunjiang and run away together. The two searched for a long time, and finally found Chunjiang in an abandoned factory, but Chunjiang shot himself on the spot.

While on the run, Ryosuke is attacked by a wandering ghost when he goes to find gasoline. Michiko found the confused Ryosuke, came to the pier, jumped on a speedboat, and sailed towards the vast sea.

In the sea, the surviving people are looking for a place to stop. After disappointment again and again, the captain gave the order to go to South America.

More than 20 years after entering the Internet age, the world is not as full of ghosts wandering around as the movie predicted, but there are already many people living in their own secret rooms.

A chilling psychological thriller that I highly recommend to everyone.

WeChat search pays attention to the carp movie manual, the treasure number of B-level magic movies ("God" of neuropathy), bringing everyone a cooler, cooler and more exciting movie viewing experience.

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Pulse quotes

  • Michi Kudo: It all began one day, without warning, like this.

  • Michi Kudo: Still no answer at Taguchi's?

    Junko Sasano: No.

    Michi Kudo: It's been over a week, he must have his reasons.

    Junko Sasano: It shouldn't take a week to work on that disk.

    Michi Kudo: No, something's wrong. Maybe I should see if he's okay.

    Junko Sasano: I just got the creeps.

    Michi Kudo: What?

    Junko Sasano: I don't know, I just feel like something's wrong. Like something's horribly wrong.

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