Love doesn't disappear because we can't meet

Adriel 2022-12-21 07:04:19

Love, starting from the Garden of Eden, love is the forbidden fruit, and there is no cure.

Pure lust is short-lived, and must and must cool down into something that can be reconciled with everyday life.

From strangers to acquaintances to love. What remains is a good reverie for the future.

When in love, they don't know. When they finally found out, they were gone.

Only by daring to accept truer love can we hold on to the beauty in our hearts without being destroyed until the end of love.

Love occurs in the longing for another life, even if it is impossible to meet, it still exists. It's just that we no longer believe in love so much, just as we no longer believe in others and in ourselves. The truth of love comes from the true belief in the heart.

Loving someone doesn't have to be together. Love doesn't disappear just because you can't meet. Love will always be in the heart.

She was as beautiful as the mist on the lake that day.

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The End of the Affair quotes

  • Sarah: Are you on a new book?

    Maurice Bendrix: Of course.

    Sarah: It's not about us, is it? The one you threatened to write?

    Maurice Bendrix: A book takes a year to write. It's too hard work for revenge.

    Sarah: If only you knew how little you had to revenge.

    Maurice Bendrix: I'm joking. We are adults. We knew it had to end some time. Now we can have lunch and talk about your husband.

  • Maurice Bendrix: You have to understand. I'm jealous of everything that moves. I'm jealous of the rain!