perfect stranger

Jalyn 2022-11-17 17:58:44

There are also some touching moments: 1. The wife found out that her husband went to see a psychiatrist. The husband said: Even if it was a waste of time, I would try any method. Even if we break up in the future, it can be said that we have done our best. This reminds me of Lin Xinru's movie "Forgotten", in the process of the wife becoming a defiant step by step, the husband did not think about how to persuade and change except complaining and losing his temper, and finally came to divorce. on the way. But after the final amnesia, when her wife asked him if you had persuaded me, he realized that he hadn't actually tried. The relationship between people is actually extremely fragile, especially the relationship between husband and wife. I don’t know how many times in my life I have quarreled about divorce, how many times I have done it, how many times I even wished that person died. Among them, have you or have you tried to do something? 2. The 17-year-old daughter was about to go to her boyfriend with the condom her father gave her, when her mother found out, and her mother was furious. Finally, Dad said something: This is an important moment in your life, something that you will remember in your life, not just for chatting with your friends tomorrow. If you think about it later, and whenever you think about it, it brings a smile to your lips, do it. But if you don't think so or aren't sure, just forget about it, because you have plenty of time left. It's like a textbook paragraph. 3. After Pep confessed to coming out of the closet, he confessed why he didn't bring his boyfriend, because he understood that although his friends were very open-minded, when the closest people in life appeared those marginalized people in society, They instinctively unleash malice. He said: But because I know that as soon as we meet, he will be hurt by your strange eyes. I don't want him to get hurt, I want to protect him. Because if you love someone deeply, you will be the bullet of the whole world for him. Not only did I think back to whether my eyes had hurt some people without my knowledge. 4. At the end of the film, everyone is fine in the end, just like when they first came. I originally thought this was to illustrate the amazing tolerance of human beings. After reading the film review, I realized that this is just a parallel time and space that has not been tested for human nature. But it's really impossible to heal those wounds anymore, I don't know. Some people say that there will still be cracks after healing, but where in this world will there be a perfect existence.

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