Portrait of Bai You's Waste Chai - "Ultra-Right Youth"

Hubert 2022-10-20 17:17:24

Portrait of Bai You's Waste Chai - "Ultra-Right Youth"

Today, let's talk about the movie "Ultra-Right Youth".

Title Cuck (2019), alias Cuck/Green Hat.

"Ultra-Right Youth" follows a typical white-right youth, Ronnie, and paints a rather vivid portrait of the huge white-right group.

Ronnie is a loafing jobless man long past his thirties and accomplishing nothing. He has no survival skills, is lazy, and has just been released from prison. He can only live on the pension of his old mother every day.

The film depicts Ronnie's useless image in just a few shots.

Ronnie's biggest problem is that he is lazy and does errands. He one-sidedly regards the achievements of others as the racial advantage of ethnic minorities, completely ignoring the main cause of personal struggle.

But Ronnie likes to watch all kinds of inflammatory videos from far-right vloggers.

Ronnie's favorite remark is the white supremacy thing, that he should be worshipped as a white man, and other races can only kneel and lick. So he became very angry, hated black people, hated yellow people, and hated women. Except for white men, all human beings did not deserve to live in his world.

With Ronnie's IQ alone, he no longer has the ability to think independently. Under the agitation of extreme-right bloggers, he regards extreme nationalism as his life creed, but he does not know that he is just a leek to be cut by those video bloggers.

Ronnie's low IQ and irritability made his job search difficult. After countless failures, Ronnie became more determined to eliminate all non-white groups, rather than to establish a foothold in society through his own efforts.

The U.S. ruling class continues to feed the people at the bottom with garbage entertainment industry and populist rhetoric, while depriving them of the right to receive education. So far, the people at the bottom have become brainless humanoids from generation to generation.

In order to make these poor bastards feel at ease at the mercy of others, the ruling class of the United States has created conflicts among the people at the bottom, deliberately created racial antagonisms, and launched infighting among the people. Ultranationalism is one of the tried-and-true king bombs.

Knowing Wang is very smart to see more and more white and right-handed waste, and skillfully makes them his basic plate. It is precisely because the white right is the basic plan of understanding the king. The death of the black American riot has turned the sky, and it is impossible for the understanding of the king to submit to the white left and ethnic minorities, because that will lose the huge basic plan of the white right. Bai You was the main force who sent Xing Wang to the White House, and if he kept Bai You, he would also be re-elected.

Ronnie is just a typical epitome of extreme nationalism, and the social phenomenon he reflects has long been the norm in today's society. The United States is lying on the human body all over the world sucking blood. While it is full of indolence and hard work, it is also gradually losing the spirit of struggle and self-improvement.

The rising unemployment rate will inevitably lead to the rise of populism. It is said that patriotism is the last safe haven for hooligans, and many people see the business opportunities in it. Some people started video podcasts, advocating white supremacy and ultra-nationalism, which attracted a lot of traffic to make a lot of money; some people made small movies, using the image of white waste to create a contrast, expand the ratings, and also count the money. Soft to the touch. And the real white crap got nothing but rage and nothing but anger.

The title of the film translated as "Ultra-Right Youth" is really expressive.

The original name "Cuck" is the abbreviation of cuckold abroad, which is the husband whose wife cheated and was put on a green hat, which corresponds to a plot of Ronnie in the film.

The translation as "Ultra-Right Youth" expresses the theme of the film very aptly. The green hat and soft egg man is only an appearance of this generation of ultra-right youth. The deeper reason is that they have been deprived of their ability to think and become at the mercy of others. tool.

White left waste wood portrait,

Fragmentation is inevitable.

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