Episode 7 Conferred God

Edmund 2022-09-12 15:47:51

This episode tells a story about a coup from a special angle

The first is the coup d'état. We can see that this walled country is divided into three layers of society: upper, middle and lower layers. The upper class has most of the resources and the right to allocate resources, while the lower class can only be dominated and exploited. .

This is the social contradiction and the origin of this coup. The rebel army headed by Tim represented the interests of the lower class and carried out a rebellion against the exploiters represented by Sir. Although nominally representing the lower classes, when the regime was overthrown, Tim monopolized the right to use the hole and the right to know it, and carried out a dictatorship, returning the walled country to a social form of exploitation and exploitation.

We can think that Tim's original intention was to change the society, but in the face of the temptation of powerful power, Tim couldn't help it and chose to become a dictator. This hole in this position is like a Lord of the Rings, it represents the supreme power, and there are not many people who can resist its temptation (idealists eventually sacrifice their ideals). This is actually the epitome of human civilization. Throughout history, how many revolutions and uprisings ended up in a cycle of reincarnation, but the exploiters and exploited were reshuffled, but the entire social form did not make any progress.

What saddens me the most is the deceived people, who were sacrificed in the uprising, and then again the target of exploitation after the uprising. Always an ignorant and numb puppet under the ruler. Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer.

The most subtle thing about this show is that he witnesses this rebellious history from a very unique perspective.

The so-called rebellion, what the audience sees is just a group of shrunken people fighting for some resources, such as meat, candy, paper clips, cotton swabs, etc. that we usually have at our fingertips. It is ridiculous to fight for these. ridiculous. But under the ridiculous, let us see ourselves, we are like the people inside, fighting for oil and territorial and sacrificing a lot of people's lives, but these resources are only insignificant throughout history, and human greed Is the resulting bloody war also ridiculous?

Moreover, the so-called rebellion and the so-called struggle, in the eyes of the aliens outside, are nothing more than small incidents between a group of people. The aliens are busy planning their zoo journey, and they don't care about these bloody sacrifices of love and hatred. Because no matter how these people fight, they are only captives of aliens, and they are all research objects or pet collections.

From this point of view, this struggle of human beings is extremely sad. They have forgotten the ultimate goal, they have forgotten their hatred and hatred, but they have pointed the finger at their compatriots, to squeeze and hurt each other. He even deified one of the aliens and prayed for more gifts from the gods, but those gifts were just unintentional actions of Jesse, and "God" did not show mercy to people.

Episode 7 Conferred God.

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Solar Opposites quotes

  • Korvo: [Opening Narration] Planet Shlorp was a perfect utopia. Until the asteroid hit. One hundred adults and their replicants were issued a Pupa and escaped into, uh, the space, searching for new homes on uninhabited worlds. We crashed on Earth, stranding us on an already overpopulated planet. That's right, I've been talking this whole time. I'm the one holding the Pupa. My name's Korvo. This is... this is my show. I just dropped the Pupa. Do you see me? This is ridiculous. I hate Earth. It's a horrible home. People are stupid.