
Felicia 2022-11-11 05:30:22

The cast wasted the cast. . . The syntax is not particularly good. . .

Assess the situation like I taught you how to do in the real world.

I can't get a read on him.

He has multi-personality traits, each with their own realities, but I don't know how many he's created, or if he's even aware of them. Know how many personalities he has created, or whether he is aware of them at all

Shake the tree. Arrest every fxxxing thing that falls. Thoroughly search and arrest all suspects

Will your professional opinion be worded that way in your report?

Although you allowed me to be your guardian, I want you to know that you were also mine.

Your light saved me. Now, shine. Your light saved me, keep shining

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Extended Reading

Night Hunter quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Simon: I Want Me

    [last lines]

    Simon: Let him

    [his twin]

    Simon: go or I'll stick this up her keeeeeyaaaaant

  • Marshall: [tosses a pair of handcuffs onto the table in front of a sex offender] Put these on... or I'll let her

    [nods to Angie]

    Marshall: and her friends castrate you