Atheist perception, be careful

Eleanora 2022-10-16 22:38:46

Jesus is very beautiful, the Virgin is very beautiful, it is better to say that almost everyone is beautiful, especially the eyes. It was rare for the disciples not to be bald, especially Peter, which was gratifying.

The folk music in the film is great.

Matthew's conversion was interesting, and Peter's conversion was handled well. John looked soft and would make assists silently, but when he got to the temple and went mad with Jesus, it was quite energetic.

Herod is abnormally handsome, Salome is beautiful, and Herodias is beautiful. Salome's dance is weird but beautiful! Herod is cute with half of his face buried in the pillow.

Judas was completely fooled, so pitiful. From the very beginning when he was with Simon in the Zealots, Judas refuted the other Zealots and spoke for Jesus, who cared about him. Seeing that Judas gave Jesus to the people in the Sanhedrin, but Jesus smashed the temple as soon as he came, Amway was sold, and Judas was stupid. Calling "Lord Sheila", she hurriedly ran to explain that it was really cute. Lord Sheila bully him.

Jesus saw Barabbas and reasoned with him. He was very patient.

With Judas' kiss, John's bid failed ⊙▽⊙

There is no direct footage of the whipping of Jesus, only the pain is shown through hand movements. After being unfastened, Jesus hung there limply, without blood for some reason, well-proportioned, slender, and somewhat sexy. He was more like an out-of-body than a submissive, and even though the soldiers were tossing and turning, there was no response when the crown of thorns was put on.

After being nailed to the cross, Jesus has a shot with wide eyes and mouth, pitiful but very beautiful. Jesus has always been graceful and calm, more immortal than the Son of God or the Son of Man. Anyway, it's beautiful.

I'm an atheist and I watch this movie just to suck Jesus. Sorry for any offense orz

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