Too many flaws

Floy 2022-09-13 19:33:47

The style of painting is really cool. The three renderings of Kamikaze animation are really powerful, but it feels like it's not close to JOJOOP.

But the plot is really,,, really,,, I don't know where to start complaining. The mediocre places can be guessed, and the inversion places are full of slots.

Neither Batman nor any of the villains except the Joker played the charm, just a cutscene and anyone would do. The master also feels weird to me, no high IQ, no plan b, only cool equipment and ninjutsu, and even say what I am without equipment (Are you sure it's not Iron Man?)

The middle part is really shameful, can you bear a bunch of Gotham villains shouting ××××× out of shape in English (suddenly I think Japanese is really suitable for middle school 2),

Originally, I saw the mechs fighting each other and yelling at each other. I endured it. When I saw the part of the fit, my jaw dropped.

After that, when the little monkeys merged and turned into a giant Batman, I was stupid, really stupid, and my head was full of black question marks.

What is this? Are you filming for kids?

The final Batman and Joker action scene was okay.

If you can accept the Gotham villains driving Gundam to fight each other, if you can accept that Batman turns into Ultraman to tear up Gundam, if you can accept crazy ooa, if you don’t want anything other than screen dubbing, you can go Look. ps. Harley and Catwoman are so pretty!

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Extended Reading

Batman Ninja quotes

  • Catwoman: Time for some girl-on-girl action!

  • Catwoman: Harley Quinn could use a good ass kicking.