About Murder and Wife

Robin 2022-09-07 13:33:31

1 At the end of the plot, the male protagonist said to Grana: You are not the murderer. Grana walked out of the lighthouse and was eaten by murlocs. This corresponds to the newspaper where the story begins.

Is Grana the Duke of Ferdinand? He hides in the unknown island because he is suspected of murdering his wife, but he loves his wife very much. There was no news on the isolated island until the male protagonist brought the latest newspaper from the mainland and the real murderer had been found, so the male protagonist actually knew why Grana was hiding on the island.

It was also for this reason that Grana was unwilling and did not dare to leave the Nameless Island.

2 The previous mermaid attacks didn't stop and started killing directly. Why did the male protagonist meet the little mermaid and the mermaid queen outside the lighthouse at the end, and the mermaid was not offensive?

Because the mermaid enslaved by Grana at this time has returned to the sea. In fact, the mermaid population has always been the mermaid, and the mermaid is crying on the top of the lighthouse, which is forced by Grana.

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Cold Skin quotes

  • Gruner: Fucking toad spy, how dare you leave me, how dare you leave me

    Gruner: You figured me out, I came to the ass end of the world to get famous

  • Friend: We are on a tiny island of what we know, surrounded by an ocean of what we don't