The confusing ninth episode isn't actually confusing.

Maxine 2022-09-13 19:22:18

Many people can't understand John Paul III's retirement and find it inexplicable. In fact, I don't think it's sudden at all, because he was a vulnerable person. Because he made a fool of himself in an interview, he slapped his butt and ran to the snowy mountains. Sophia went to him and hit him directly. his weakness, gave him the courage to return to the Vatican. Sophia went to the Secretary of State before leaving, and it was the Secretary of State who hinted that she could bring John Paul III back. It's just surprising that Sophia herself fell in love with John Paul III, so she couldn't stay in the Vatican. After all, it's impossible to fall in love with the Pope. The reason why John Paul III agreed to the Pope at the beginning was actually also Sophia. The reason is that the Secretary of State finally gave him a boost at his house, and the love line between the two runs through the second season.

So Sophia's departure at the beginning of episode 9, and Lenny's manipulation of him, John Paul III fell into vulnerability again, sighing in front of the silver box, in fact, he wanted to take drugs.

On the other hand, because of the kidnapping of the child, the terrorism carried out by the people who initially mistook him for the caliph, the purpose is to threaten him to declare war on him, and at this time he has lost his mind (Lenny's loss of mind on the child is not the first Back), and immediately asked John Paul III to respond to the declaration of war. As a result, the terrorists directly shot and killed the pastor. At this time, Laney realized his mistake and this mistake made John Paul III take the blame, so there was a change in his attitude, from At the beginning of the ninth episode, the disdainful meeting knelt down and kissed his fingers when he gave John Paul III. From this, it can be seen that Lenny is still the same as the first season, with the temperament of a child and the means of a young politician, but He will also make mistakes. In the background picture of the last dialogue between the two, Lenny corresponds to the child, and John Paul III is the Pope. At this time, I think John Paul III has surpassed Lenny.

What John Paul III said, in fact, I am very touched. The things that make us break down and fragile may be precisely the things that keep us from giving up and support us to live. These things have become an indispensable part of our life after a long time. In this way, if you don't accept yourself like this, how can you accept the love of others? The source of people's hypocrisy is not accepting their own nature.

The role of the bald man has always been mysterious. He seems to be the head of the Vatican's national security agency, responsible for cooperating with the Secretary of State to eliminate dissidents and assisting the Secretary of State. In the ninth episode, the bald man brought the core character of the caliphate to the Secretary of State. The conversation between the two was not translated. I can only make a bold guess and just discuss it with everyone. The caliph's people came to see the secretary of state should be to show that it was not our people who kidnapped the children, you should not declare war on us, the caliph did not want to go to war with the Catholic Church, so after Lenny declared war, he sent people over to make peace, Lenny's prediction for the caliph is still To be more accurate, he concluded that the caliph was afraid of causing a new wave of Catholicism after he appeared from the dead, so he just started declaring war with the caliph and sent someone to make peace, but Lenny was wrong, the kidnappers are not terrorists Molecules, just Catholic fanatics who like themselves. There is also a possibility that the Caliph’s people made peace and revealed a peace agreement to the Vatican, that is, as long as Lenny is not allowed to be the Pope, the two religions can live in peace in the future. As for why Lenny is not allowed to ascend, that is no The one who left the evidence got rid of Lenny, so the bald man finally said that line, if you can't find the evidence, there is no evidence. Because there is no translation of the dialogue between the two, which god can understand the dialogue between the two can tell everyone.

Lenny's last sermon was also a manifestation of his sublimation and maturity. He began to believe in the golden mean, that is, to accommodate everything with inclusive love, that is, what everyone said was reasonable, mainly because everyone's deformed love for him happened. Unnecessary bloodshed made Lenny figure it out. He finally let go of the belief that he had been pursuing at first—religion needs to maintain its own mystery, so that people don’t think about their own divinity, embrace everyone in the crowd, and lose their own divinity. The three words that the new Pope said were John Paul III, in fact, were the last brand-new Lenny.

I think Lenny's death is a sure thing. It should not come back to life, or else it will come back to life. Foreign screenwriters wouldn't do such a thing. (hope to slap me in the face, I also want him to be resurrected). There are not many people watching this show. I followed the first season to the second season. As an atheist, I watched it with relish. The meaning of faith should not be God or other gods redeeming people's souls, not relying on one after another. The miracle, Lenny believed in the mystery and finally let go of the mystery. After all, people need to save themselves, but what faith brings to everyone is the peace of the soul and the power of unknown reasons.

The above is just my own guess. This is the first time I write, and everyone is welcome to discuss, criticize and correct me.

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