My favorite version of Jane Eyre, with endless aftertastes

Timmy 2022-03-25 08:01:01

I've seen four or five versions, and this is my favorite. The story of a tired uncle and a sincere and smart girl attracting each other and finding true love, the happy ending makes people so happy.

First of all, I have to admit that I am a love brain now. I didn’t watch Jane Eyre’s childhood clips at all. I also watched the part where she left Thorfield and lived with the Rivers family (Swamp House) intermittently, mainly watching their flashbacks. Fragment. . . Yes, I am that biased. I see this story completely as a love story.

Mr. Rochester's sexy little appearance, his chemical reaction with Jane is so memorable, it seems that I fell in love once. Some people said he was too handsome, and I thought so at first, and then I thought that Mr. Rochester should be like this. According to the description in the book... Said he was of medium build, black hair, bright big black eyes, broad chest and strong arms, with a gloomy look on his face, as if he had been angry. Pretty much everything (except the eyes are not black). Mr. Rochester is a mature man with a story, he longs for the attraction of the soul and understands the desires of his body (for example, how he married Bertha, his wandering in continental Europe, the history of several mistresses) . The book "Jane Eyre" is a work of more than 150 years, and naturally there can be no passionate drama. But readers, read between the lines, how intense and passionate this book is. This version of "Jane Eyre" TV shows how natural it is.

Speaking of the sister who played Jane Eyre, I spent a little bit of mental construction to imagine that she was Jane Eyre. She's actually a beauty, and I'm sure, in the hearts of many Brits, she's a beauty. In terms of appearance, she is a bit different from Jane Eyre. First of all, she is too tall (168), I always think of her long legs in the Graham Northon Show; she is also relatively modern in appearance, belonging to the appearance of "character actress", but this is exactly in line with Jane Eyre's character, her Independent, self-thought, equality-minded, beyond the era when the book was written; Besides, this sister makes me feel like other reviews say, she really looks extravagant. But this is also in line with Jane Eyre's image, because her family is not bad, she is worthy of Mr. Rochester, but her parents died young, and her aunt doesn't like her, so she grew up in poverty and can only be a governess . Having said that, I am very satisfied with Ruth Wilson's performance. Her image is not particularly suitable for Jane Eyre, but it is very reasonable when you think about it. Besides, her chemistry with Mr. Rochester is too warm.

Back to love...Mr. Rochester fell in love with Jane very early, I really want to read a fanart (I read an article, "Jane Eyre's Husband" by Tara Bradley, but not satisfied) to introduce Rochester's psychological process, Has he ever struggled, denied, or said that he is a rebel of his class? He has gone through so much pain in his life, he no longer cares about what the outside world thinks, he just wants to pursue what he thinks and loves in his heart, his little Jane. . . Mr. Rochester concealed his marriage history and begged Jane to marry him. I am very troubled about this. Overall, this is very wrong. He did cheat. And in the big environment at that time, Xiaojian was with him inexplicably. If he gave birth to a child, it was only an illegitimate child, which would be too sorry for Xiaojian. He has too much black history. If he hadn't experienced such a change in the end, maybe he and Jane Eyre would have nothing to do with each other. . .

Jane Eyre's book is inherently romantic and idealistic, especially for good people who have good rewards, the right match, and the soul mate who seeks the same soul. Jane Eyre finally heard Mr. Rochester's call. She inherited a small inheritance and became an independent woman. Mr. Rochester's ex-wife resolved that she was no longer a fetter of their happy life. Mr. Rochester's disability made him feel sorry for himself. His past is atonement, and then he can have a new life. These are both dramatic and ideal, but I just like them.

On the whole, the four-episode mini-series is long enough to tell the story; it has been adapted in modern times, and some of the lines are not as long as the original, and the words are much more modern. The relationship between the two is developing very well, and the passionate performance and chemistry are so fascinating. Unexpectedly, one day, Mr. Rochester became the object of sexual fantasies (shy). When I read novels or fanfiction in the future, the Mr. Rochester in my imagination will always be Toby Stephens, thinking of his charming eyes.

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Jane Eyre quotes

  • St John Rivers: We sail in six weeks. We must make marriage preparations.

    Jane Eyre: Why can we not travel as brother and sister? As equals?

    St John Rivers: That would be impossible.

    Jane Eyre: St. John, you do not love me.

    St John Rivers: Love is not an ingredient in this matter.

    [Jane turns away from him, thinking]

    St John Rivers: I fear you have not forgotten your old association despite the harm he tried to do you.

    Jane Eyre: I'll never see any of them again. But I owe a debt to my friends at Thornfield Hall. In many ways, I started my life there. I became Jane Eyre.

    St John Rivers: God made Jane Eyre! You surely don't give this man Rochester any credit for that!

    Jane Eyre: Of course not. I've always known myself. But he was the first to recognize me. And to love what he saw.

    [long pause]

    Jane Eyre: I'll give you your answer St. John soon, don't worry. And if I go with you that will be my decision. You'll have him to thank for that.

    [leaves the room]

  • Jane Eyre: You think because I am poor, plain, obscure and little, that I have no heart?

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