When Party Dinners Go Sick Animals - Animals in "Perfect Stranger"

Lukas 2022-09-11 22:44:59

This movie shows us several characters with very distinct personalities, most of which are quite morbid, and the cover for their own morbidity was completely dismantled during this dinner. Below we summarize these roles with animals:

1. The hero Alfonso: Elephant, old father, the only one who didn't cheat in the film. Looking at the details, you will find that he is not only the father of his daughter, but also plays the role of the father of everyone. He is relatively silent, but when it is time to speak, he does not say a lot, and his misconduct in controlling the field and teaching his friends shows him.” The image of the old father";

2. Mistress Eva: spider, hypocritical, jealous, arrogant, after getting love, she is fearless and demeaning each other, self-vulnerable, trying to separate the newlyweds, getting her lover and not wanting to lose her husband who loves her deeply;

3. Taxi driver Eduardo: Gorilla, promiscuity, loud voice, big limbs, simple mind, immature mind

4. The new wife of the taxi driver, Blanca: a female rabbit, a pure-minded wife, who is not assertive but knows how to stop losses in time, and is also kind;

5. Antonio: biting hyena + fox, showing his superiority all the time, not forgetting to play with each other cunningly when Pepe helps him;

6. Wife Ana: A clucking hen, unable to calm down, her mouth is broken and nagging, and she is consumed by the trivialities of life;

7. Pepe Pepe: Pig, lacking in opinion and fighting spirit, dare not accept himself, but he is kind-hearted.

A sketch drawn by hand

Suppression in the family, not being understood, bad sex life, mutual hatred and boredom, how can two people who were once in love have no love or even respect for each other? Why do you have the other half you once loved and pursued, and start a family, have children, but still cheat?

Taxi driver Eduardo is not good at translating his sexuality. He is almost indiscriminate when it comes to sex objects, and he develops relationships when he is attracted, like a promiscuous gorilla without thinking. His career, in his own words, is actually not much better than the unemployed Pepe, but he taught Pepe to focus on the future. He is a person who is always eager to show his charm, and his academic background is not comparable to others. Real estate He can't compare to others, only his sexual desire is extremely strong, so he and his wife have to have a shot in almost a few hours, and even let go when her wife answers the phone. Subconsciously, he hopes that his sexual drive will be recognized by others, And for him, who has almost nothing, it's like a recognition of him.

Antonio is a very insidious, cunning and very bad person. He likes to tease others, and even has a borderline and narcissistic personality. After all the relationships have collapsed, he is shaking his wine glass, smiling smugly, and schadenfreude is not enough to describe He, he was eager to verify the misfortune of others before and after the exposure, which indirectly led to the subsequent outbreak.

Pepe, the master and the taxi driver's wife are not sick, but the happiest person is the one who protects his other half the most, the one who shows understanding and tolerance to the other party, and the one who is pure in heart and loves deeply.

Eva's morbidity lies in her instigation. Even though her marriage has broken down, she is sitting on the ground talking about comforting Cassirer and making her accept her fate. This is actually what she said to herself. It also reminds me that most of what people say is to themselves.

Two sick people can be together for a long time, but both sides spend in extreme pain, and at the same time rely on each other.

We always think that we just haven't found the perfect other half, but with this mentality, even if we meet a suitable enough partner, we will continue to search with this supreme expectation. Can't choose and can't be responsible for the choice but always want to get more greed, worry about gains and losses, people can't see the existing happiness, don't know how to create, let the marriage metabolize naturally.

When you start to wonder if you're getting the best, will someone else fix it? Filling in existing relationships is the best way to stay satisfied. When you question the other person, all you need is a cheater. Trust and listen and respect each other and they will always be your lover.

Having said that, most of the problems people encounter in intimate relationships come from their own pathologies and flaws, but we project on each other and blame each other for not being enough for us. This may be a good excuse for laziness. Because fighting one's own stubbornness and maintaining positive communication are not easy things.

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