Beware of the delusional propaganda of "Intelligent Design Theory"!

Chet 2022-03-25 08:01:02

At that time, I thought that this film really provided reliable scientific evidence for the "intelligent design theory", especially the connection between the evolution theory and the Nazi Holocaust dealt a fatal blow to its moral consciousness (yes, yes, aside This is what a Darwinian world of the jungle that abandons the standard of the Creator will become).

Yet all this so-called scientific evidence and social-historical facts are nothing more than propaganda that has been carefully cobbled together for the revamped Christian creationism. When you have the opportunity to compare these two opposing theories (evolutionism and "intelligent design theory") more fairly, you will find out how empty, fragile, and irrelevant the so-called intelligent design is as a scientific theory. The basic explanatory power that science should have (see the documentary "Judgmental Design Theory"). In fact it does not qualify as a scientific theory at all.

And the theory of evolution, although at first sight contrary to the psychological inclinations and wishes of many people (including my own self), is based on extremely rich and detailed natural evidence, and has the strongest and closest to self-consistent scientific explanation. Power - although we still don't necessarily regard it as a definitive scientific truth, but at least so far, there has not been another more explanatory theory of biological basis, let alone the so-called "intelligent design" .

There is no discrimination without comparison. Which is true and which is false, which is good and which is evil? Many things are often not what they appear at first glance. The same goes for religion and science. The key is whether one is willing to put aside preconceptions and identify it for himself through rational and empirical evidence.

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Extended Reading

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed quotes

  • Ben Stein: I'm finally just beginning to grasp the complexity of the cell. Are there systems within the cell that go well beyond Darwinian evolution? Some type of cellular technology that drives adaptation, replication, quality control and repair? What if these new mechanisms have massive design implications? Well I say, so be it.

  • Ben Stein: Hasn't this all been resolved? I mean, aren't we all Darwinists now? Except for a few cranks like you?

    Paul Nelson: Well, it's a funny thing that questions that aren't properly answered don't go away. This question is loaded with all kinds of political baggage. But one on one, in a scientific meeting, after the third or fourth beer, my experience has been that many evolutionary biologists will say, yeah, this theory's got a lot of problems.