Something fun to do with a loved one?
Something I'd like to make time for?
Stories I want to write?
What new hobby could I start?
What fear could I conquer?
A new sport to try?
What dream could I make come true?
How would I like people to describe me?
Someone I'd love to meet?
An event I'd love to attend?
A subject I'd love to learn about?
A goal to achieve?
Knowledge I'd like to pass on to someone else?
Somewhere new to visit?
An invention I want to create?
A new class to take?
A food I've never tried before?
A new skill to master?
A language I wish I could speak?
A charity I'd love to give to?
A new family activity to try?
Books I want to read?
An experience that will take me out of my comfort zone?
Something I thought I'd never do?
Something fun to do with a loved one?
Something I'd like to make time for?
Stories I want to write?
What new hobby could I start?
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