Wooden Chief - Raft - Hitchhiker

Sincere 2022-06-21 20:34:17

This is a horror movie I saw in the school cinema a few years ago, except for the damn "****", this should be the most vivid horror movie I have! It was really frightening at the time, and I have been trying to find this film for a long time to review it.

The film consists of three separate stories:

Story 1: Old Chief Wood'nhead,
an Indian who revived to avenge the murdered little shopkeeper;

this story is more general, in a desolate town, an old couple drives a house The old couple in the grocery store were kind and often gave credit to the poor Indians nearby. One day, three thugs broke into the grocery store, led by an Indian. After stealing the money and killing the kind old couple, Chief Wood avenged the old couple in the way of Indians.

Story 2: The carnivorous scum of The Raft
pond attacked four young people on the boat;

this story is more terrifying, the damned carnivorous plankton in the lake is more terrifying than the great white sharks and prehistoric giant crocodiles in the sea, with pictures as evidence , 1, 2, in the end, the man who managed to escape was also caught...., the black piece behind the man is that terrifying monster!

Story 3: Dawn Of The Dead The
rich woman accidentally killed a hitchhiker on her way home after having an affair with a male prostitute...

This was the story I was most afraid of, and I couldn't watch it at the time. The bloody black man who was hit always jumped out suddenly every time, and it looked too scary, 1, 2, 3, 4, that woman could drive home all the time, but..., that bloody monster He also said:

Ma'am, I'll take your car, ma'am~~~ I'll give you how much you want, and

I'll give you how much you want...

oh my GOD! IT freaking me out!

It is said that this movie is adapted from the novel of the master Stephen King, so the story is so excellent. For example, the third story is much scarier than the "Devil Hitchhiker" I watched some time ago, and it can scare you to death in 20 minutes! I haven't seen such a classic horror movie in a long time.

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Creepshow 2 quotes

  • Ben Whitemoon: It is a bad thing to borrow, it is a worse thing to beg.

  • Ben Whitemoon: [Ben bids farewell to Old Chief Woodenhead] Now... may your spirit rest, old warrior. Hagoonee. Hagoonee...

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