
Joe 2022-03-20 08:01:45

When it comes to the difference in British and American sense of humor, the title of Heist and Hustle can probably get a clue. Although the former was an infinitely anticipated drama at the beginning of the year, the pilot was greatly disappointed afterward, and it was not a pity that it was later cut. Close to watching The Score back then, with the most demanding eyes, it should be the ultimate lineup that I love, but I just can't like it. The latter...even though he was too lazy to use his brain, he gave such a name to the chat, but he didn't think it had anything to do with Guy Ritchie. That is to say, the way of rewinding, flashing back, flashbacks, and even stuffing silent films and musicals into the drama looks familiar, and a little further may think of Quentin's hodgepodge style and Kill Bill's production IG. That animation, however, that gathered a bunch of gullible Hustle, felt more like Eleven Arhats and Twelve. That is to say, before I watched it, I thought that it would be a pure-bred British film like A Fish Called Wanda, but it was completely in vain.

It's not that Hustle isn't cute. It's like insisting that Twelve Arhats is a more interesting movie than the first one, and the last episode of Hustle's second season is really friendly. But Soderbergh is Soderbergh after all, although from the configuration of the team, the tension between the players, and the layout of the deception, there will be the illusion that Hustle is a simplified version of Eleven Arhats. However, according to the original description, the narrative style of the rich and the traitor and the ending of the roguelike temperament of Prince Red Deer Dogula are not something that everyone can imitate~

Well, also, because it is a series of dramas, the so-called "thieves also have" The principle of "Tao" is more to leave a way for oneself. Like abducting and abducting the beauty all the way with 160 million green bills, it sounds very enjoyable. It is true that when the sequel is almost cornered by the desperate casino owner, it can only be said that it is obviously reckless behavior. Remember, plans don't change quickly, don't block the road even if you don't plan to shoot a sequel at the beginning, the same applies to everyone who thinks "this is the last time I do this" ^^

I believe that when I watched "Tom and Jerry" when I was a child, although I occasionally sympathized with Old Tom, I was definitely not the only one who had an absolutely favorable impression of Jerry. I used to see people say that they fell in love with a certain beautiful villain, and it felt like even the standard of good and evil was reversed. Strictly speaking, Hustle should be included in the category of crime show, and we know that these people are neither good people nor robbers. However, just like I clearly understand that the "eye for an eye" private fight is wrong, I still feel that the image of the revenge killer in the early Hong Kong films is very stylish. Because I'm so committed to this kind of film, I can only think that it's okay to be angry with me and not argue, but fortunately this is just TV.

The first impression of Hustle is how familiar these guys are. Marc Warren I just saw in Doctor Who, Robert Glenister who played the German Workers' Party founder in Hitler: The Rise of Evil, and Robert Vaughn, who played the lovable Albert, 27 He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his piece of Young Phillies, and later starred in business cards including Seven Heroes, Remagen Bridge and Superman 3. Familiar faces can also be found in each episode's cameo, like Philip Jackson, the constant Chief Inspector Japp of the Polo series; Orla Brady, Atia in last year's Empire; and Vincent, also in Empire as Marc Antony Regan. As for the only JWW III who convinced the five-member team to lose, Richard Chamberlain, who played him, can be regarded as a hallmark figure in the TV industry compared to the previous group of people. Of course, he is a fake American. (laughs) Oh, and how can you ignore the beauty Jaime Murray, whose capable and seductive temperament makes people's hearts unstoppable, and Danny's seamless street tricks, the casual reconciliation between words (sometimes more like provocation? ^^ ) The contradiction between Mickey and Danny, even in the face of a ruthless betrayal ex-husband, still shows the woman's revenge with ease, Stacie feels more like the gangster mistress in Pulp Fiction, not the vase assistant in Swordfish. .

To go on, it seems to involve serious issues of film noir or cult. Due to the scale, Hustle will also have scenes like streaking. Well, after all, not every TV station has the arrogance of it's HBO. For most TVs, rhythm and fun are what counts. Not even black humor, Hustle is the kind of heartless fun, although after laughing, there will be a vague idea that this is a scam anyway, and will soon be blasted into the clouds by the next round of scams and it will be too late. What self-blame thoughts arise.

It has always been believed that the best part of Eleven Arhats is the first half, that is, the different characteristics of the personnel are shown interlockingly in the convening of the team. Due to the limited TV space, Hustle presented the main characters in front of the audience in less than 15 minutes, although the interweaving of frontal and side introductions is not new, and the rhythm is relaxed, from Ash's car crash scam. When it came to Stacie's seduction, different images were immediately erected. After the first episode, you will find that everything was planned. But ah, it's not that I have contempt for TV series, it's just that a combination of factors determines that watching TV series is more incapable of correcting my mentality than watching movies. Primal Fear looked at Norton's inorganic eyes at the end, and it was really cold to the bone. In a certain episode where CSI used a similar way, it was funny except for being funny. The counter-attack narrative method has been used again and again in the second season, and it is impossible to have the shock of watching The Usual Suspect, or be obsessed with Snatch's ingenious circular narrative. In general, Hustle's first episode is a good one, and putting aside the test novice, the purpose of making a fortune by the way, was kept in the dark from beginning to end, and was shot (although the shot missed) Danny, and Mickey's Liangzi also forged.

3 is a number worth pondering, rather than a triangle, my personal preference is a tripod that can be twisted at will and still remains stable. This team, from the perspective of the old, middle-aged and young, is Albert, Mickey, Danny (considering the real age of the actors is not more interesting), from a more subtle perspective (please refer to most gangster movies about bosses, mistresses and followers The relationship between the younger brothers) is Mickey, Stacie and Danny, and Ash who is left behind is the talent of Wang Zuo who seems to be irrelevant but actually must be his. Albert Lian Po is old, Ash has no ambitions, Stacie is a woman after all, and the duel between Danny, who has been on the move, and Mickey seems inevitable? It is the same as all the gregarious animals that compete for the leader position, so people are only higher animals after all. When the argument between the two finally rises to questioning each other's male abilities, the war broke out... Speaking of Season3, I really like the second episode of Season 3. In the first episode, although the mutual recognition of the two makes people smile sincerely, what is really appreciated is Albert's self-confidence and calmness after a thousand sails. Jiang is old and spicy, or it is indeed very pleasant to deceive a liar. It's a thing~

When I was chatting with people, I said that I was too afraid to watch two kinds of movies recently. One is that every wicked person who commits a crime will have endless tragic memories (there are too many examples), and the other is that he is inexplicably infected by the brilliance of human nature and puts down his butcher knife and becomes a Buddha on the spot. (eg gangster thugs) The appreciation for The Inside largely stems from Rebecca's remarks that "some people are born bad". After watching Haobao Xiaobawang, I came to the conclusion that "I love hooligans more than perverts". It's not that he agrees with some sublime means, but the righteousness of "I'm a bad guy, Runai Wuhe". Because of this attitude, the two talents in the tiger and leopard can even do something as unskilled as robbery. That is to say, Mickey's group, although they have the consciousness of stealing the scepter and diamonds, should be hanged on the Tower of London for three hundred years, they will choose to stop after the deceived object wakes up due to amnesia. The way arouses suspicion, can't be the Mickey that his wife expects, Albert who wants to wash his hands with a golden plate... But this is their life style, the fraud factor deeply rooted in the blood cannot be given up like that, not to mention that money is always the biggest problem, laugh.
Albert is keen on gambling, Ash has to pay for his ex-wife's huge medical expenses, and Danny sometimes picks up the wrong box, but these don't seem to be enough to explain the tens of millions of pounds swindled from the last episode. Go to the next episode. The most brilliant thing about this group of people is also here, because it seems that they are always working hard to collect bait and earn enough pension. Even if they just cheated 1.2 million, they have to stay in a hotel for nothing, time and time again. They played the honest and innocent Eddie all over the place, and even shut the kind-hearted Eddie out of the door when he was at his worst, they still wouldn't feel despicable and shameless.

Then there are details that make you laugh when you think about it, for example, after Doctor Who's wolf talk, he made a big fuss about the British royal family again. (Although public figures have no human rights at all, but using blood as a gimmick is really the only privilege of the royal family~) There is also the description of Brad Pitt's accent (how can I not think of Xiaobu in Snatch who can't even type subtitles? Pronunciation)... So, even though this is a drama that has nothing to do with heaviness at all, on the other hand, it is more comfortable to chat with one's mind than before. Facing such a drama with such a mentality, it is just right Yes, when reading a book and seeing crazy, it is absolutely a pleasant enjoyment.

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Hustle quotes

  • Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Albert, what the hell were you doing in a church today?

    Albert Stroller: Gil Stewart died this afternoon. I was there at the end.

    Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Oh God, I'm so sorry Albert. You two were like brothers.

    Albert Stroller: We worked Vegas together. That man was made for bright lights. Poor bastard - died of a stroke in a dental surgery.

    Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Well, someone should sue them.

    Albert Stroller: Aye, he was pretending to be the dentist.

  • Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: [repeated line, by various characters] You can't con an honest man.

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