Eve after being tempted by snakes to eat the forbidden fruit

Kristina 2022-06-19 17:04:07

Eve was expelled from the Garden of Eden on the back of her original sin, and the woman was punished by heaven.


When she was a little girl, she was innocent and full of complaints (Hirahime at the end of the film);

Slightly older, innocent and quirky, but also longing for mature, charming and handy. But can't tell the difference between true and false. But it seems to be confusing and attractive to married and pregnant women with an inexplicable mysterious religion (Hirahime in the title);

The advent of the rebellious period——sex, profligacy, rebellion, and even unwilling to admit their original parents, running away from home to see the world (the hospital denied the parents' Ping Ji); (because most children have had this urge, no must be implemented)

Girls imitate older "cool girls" but are blind (Hirahime in the opening credits);

Until she was "betrayed" by the idol, she decided to "replace". Excessive force to be "competitive", looking cool and free, can hurt others and hurt yourself. (Ping Ji after being discharged from hospital);

With a little experience, I have tasted a little bitterness. Independent, and eager to act like an adult. Cravings for attention, vanity, love, longing for marriage and family. And enjoy the worship of the girl who is not deep in the world, thinking that this is mature and decent (the title Millie);

True love has been delayed, and reality always hits against the dream, and finally find someone to "make do with" and change a mask. (promiscuous milly);

Finally got married, only to find that her husband could not rely on him, he drank and enjoyed his savings. We can only hope for the art of the void, and secondly, the children. (title Wei Li);

Lonely and helpless, the first taste of a mother is only fear (Ping Ji, who is staring blankly), helpless (Millie who has no experience and methods), endless pain (Weili in production) + mysterious hope [This is An ancient ritual that only happens to women, and this process is destined to be endured alone (three people are used to play three emotions in the film)];

The child was born and was tossed by the trivialities of life like a walking dead (Millie at the end of the film), but hope did not come;

If it's a girl, you're tired of her own dependence and obedience when you start out as a little girl, and exercise control when you get the chance (Millie at the end of the credits); but she'll grow up to imitate her mother and adore her, and you look at her a little bit Consolation and narcissism (Millie at the beginning); she will continue to grow until she finds her mask, the relationship between the two is cracked, and you even secretly blame her birth (Millie who drove away Hiraji); she hurts you Only then did I realize that I was going too far and tried to make up for it (Millie during the hospitalization); the mother was heartbroken and busy for her daughter, and in her heart her daughter was very good and excellent (Millie, who was running around after being discharged from the hospital); until it was clear that her daughter was no longer her What should I do with the little girl I know? When she comes to ask for help, you still put down all the comforts to accept her (Pingji and Milly who reconcile after the nightmare)...

Until facing the fate of marriage, conception, childbirth... The mother watched her daughter become a mother, and she persuaded the mother daughter to "don't be too harsh" (Weili at the end of the film); but the woman who was the mother still couldn't let go of the tiredness and resentment Strange (Millie at the end of the film); The girl's girl is still ignorant in the face of fate (Hirahime at the end of the film)...

It seems that this is a woman's life.

【man? 】

Women, men are not salvation, it is best to wake up early.

Men will only make an already complicated life more complicated. You can only rely on yourself and rely on men's ideas in your life. It is best to dispel it from the beginning. It is doomed to disappointment (male dead baby, death is just a symbol, It means that men can't understand women's suffering, they are not in this circle)

You can only rely on yourself!

Every woman is Eve who stole the forbidden fruit after being tempted by a snake...

(The director compiled so many images into the story of three women in you, me, and you, and found such a magical entry point to design, and it was so smooth. It’s amazing! Moreover, the director’s gender—male!)

"He wanted the audience to walk out of the theater without words, but full of feelings."

Reprinted in Douyou

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Three Women quotes

  • Pinky Rose: You're the most perfect person I've met.

    Millie Lammoreaux: Gee. Thanks.

  • Pinky Rose: What is this place? *Disneyland*?

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