A brainless drama that tells you how to cheat your teammates

Edmond 2022-04-05 08:01:01

Tucao: 1. Shouldn't the focus of this kind of film be all kinds of sexy big beauties in bikinis? Where are the four heroines to watch? Elephant leg? Swimming ring? The face value is not online, and it is just a low-cost commercial film; 2. The underwater tomb space is small, and it is difficult for people to walk. The sharks can move freely and swim around, so how many sharks are there? 3. At the beginning of the film, the heroine's father also said that he didn't know if there were any sharks, but he just picked up a shark's tooth, and at the end there was a shark to watch; 4. The strength of the long-legged Nicole interprets what a pit teammate is, and it fell before being eaten. The close-up picture is really ugly; 5. The teammates are dead, the little friends are dead, the protagonists turn grief into strength, there is no grief at all, I need to escape; 6. In the end, Sasha and Mia were both bitten by sharks, and one was shot by a signal gun Retreat, one was pierced by a shark's teeth. How thin is the shark's skin? It can easily be pierced by teeth. The bite force of a shark should be similar to that of a crocodile. Drop some meat, it's not a problem.

Highlights: There are no highlights. If you have to say it, you can only say that the tense atmosphere is well created.

It is said that the population of the United States is small, and if they do this, how many people will die. If you don't die, you won't die, not only will you not die, but you will not kill others.

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Extended Reading

47 Meters Down: Uncaged quotes

  • Ben: [last lines]

    Ben: Are You Kiddin...

    [is suddenly snapped up by a shark]

  • Carl: [his music suddenly cuts out] Are you messing with me?