Wilde - The Giant's Experience

Santino 2022-06-23 17:51:14

In the dead of night, I watched the movie "Wilde", it moved me just like other gay movies I had seen before. It's just that the deep impression this time is different from usual, not because of the beautiful male protagonist in it, but simply because of the tall, a little fat, and talented, a generation of literary giant Wilde who rebelled against the society. Facts have proved that movies with handsome guys can attract me to watch, but in the end, the real lasting attraction is not the young and handsome face. It is the life full of contradictions, rough and profound.
I miss what Wilde said when he was accused of being gay In a passage, he said: "This kind of "love", whose name is not dared to be known in this century, is a great feeling of an elder to a young man. Such as the feeling that existed between David and Jonathan , such as the feeling that Plato made as the basis of his philosophy, or the feeling that can be found in the sonnets of Michelangelo and Shakespeare—a deep, spiritual feeling, pure and Perfection; under its domination, great works of art like those created by Michelangelo and Shakespeare, and those two letters of mine. Still, it's misunderstood in this century -- misunderstood So far. It is because of this misunderstanding that I am in this situation. It is beautiful, it is graceful, it is the noblest feeling. And, as long as the old have the intellect, and the youth have the joy of life , hope and hilarity, it continues to exist among the old and the young. Despite this, the world does not understand it. The world ridicules it, and sometimes even puts people in pillory because of it.”
Wilde said , also rebelliously turned his lifelong belief as an artist into an attack on the conservative feudalism of the entire British society. His fairy tales and his plays are particularly vivid because of the flying of his own character. I miss Wilde, not only for the resonance of his fairy tales as a child, but also for his personality. His pursuit of self is like a moth to a flame; his struggle and confusion are exactly the love of art and the search for human nature.
Some people say that people live for fame and fortune, and for a better life for themselves and their families. In other words, it can also be considered that the purpose of their lives is to pursue comfort within the framework of social norms. The premise of such a life is the existence of social norms. But Wilde's choice is so different. He flouted the rules, obviously had a wife who loved him deeply, a pair of lovely children, and even a gay lover Robbie who cared about him in every possible way, but he still had to pursue everything about Percy without turning back, rebelled for him, went crazy for him, Give everything for him... Percy, represents all Wilde's vision for people, youth, beauty, vitality, rebellion... He worships everything about Percy, and tolerates his pride, ignorance, bad temper without reservation, Capricious...I know that this kind of love will not have good results...
Speaking of this, I can't help but feel a little heartache. People who give up are always so sympathetic and unable to intervene. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand its transcendent enthusiasm, and it is only caused by different positions to criticize it. I was very moved by a scene in the movie, after Wilde's wife came to see him in prison, they had a touching exchange. Wilde said of his confession and confusion: "I don't know my own nature, if I can choose my own nature... But whatever nature is, it must be followed, otherwise our lives will be full of lies."
Wilde's Nature What is it? It is the spirit of living for art and dying for art that he has been pursuing for a long time. It is the spiritual feeling between the same sex that he thinks is pure and perfect, and it is the torture of the boring rules of the whole society. Obviously, Wilde does not love his wife, but he regards her as a "good listener", so he is willing to reveal his deepest and truest feelings to her, that is, the pursuit of his own feelings, the pursuit of perfect incarnation. His wife is only an audience to him after all, and cannot be the protagonist of the melody of his life like Percy.
Some people may think that Percy, a shallow boy, is not worth the effort of Wilde, and his other male partner Robbie is more suitable for him. Robbie wouldn't just ignore Wilde when he was sick, like Percy. However, sometimes human beings are strange animals, who obviously do not cherish what is good for themselves, but pursue that fantasy like a dream. For Wilde, Percy was still too illusory, like a symbol, and finally walked out of his life. After watching the movie, I frantically searched the Internet for the reason why Wilde and Percy broke up, but found nothing. . . Is it Percy's heartbreak, or Wilde's heartbreak? Unknown... The final outcome is something like a chronology flashing across the screen: "Oscar and Percy broke up three months later, and prison life took a toll on his body. He lived in Paris in his later years in a cheap small house. Hotel. He wrote: "Like dear St. Francis, I have a relationship with poverty and an unhappy marriage. "Oscar died on November 30, 1900, at age 46. Percy died in 1945. Robbie died in 1918. His ashes were buried in Oscar's tomb in 1950. "It's
over, really, just This ends. There is nothing left in the movie, but Wilde left behind his memorable life and immortal works, and they are indistinguishable from each other. Oscar Wilde showed his ideals to later generations in his tragic masterpieces. So we see that he is the prince in "The Happy Prince", sacrificing everything he has in exchange for the love of the bird; he is the giant in his fairy tale, who can only watch the children flourish and be happy, and bear the sadness of the hero's twilight alone... …
I love this movie and experience the poetic life that belongs to Wilde.

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Wilde quotes

  • Lady Mount-Temple: My dear Constance, the name of Wilde will be a word of execration for the next thousand years.

  • Oscar Wilde: Robbie is Canadian. You can tell by his youth.

    Ada: Have you been brought to England to mature, Mr. Ross?

    Robbie Ross: That was the idea. But it doesn't seem to be working. I've lived here since I was three and you see the pitiful result.

    Oscar Wilde: Robbie comes from a long line of imperial governors. His grandfather was Prime Minister of Upper Canada. Or was it Lower Canada? The British take their class system wherever they go. They apply it even to continents.

    Ada: Are you planning to govern a continent?

    Robbie Ross: Oh, no. I don't even plan to govern myself.