a little insight

Maia 2022-09-11 12:54:23

Looking back, we seem to have been envious of others since we were young. For example, when we were young, we always felt that other people’s parents were good, and when we became parents, we felt that other people’s children were better, and so on. As Qian Zhongshu said in "Besieged City": People inside want to come out, people outside want to go in. Professionally, it's the same - we always despise our work and envy others.

Actually it's really not necessary. Every profession has its own strengths and difficulties. You envy my high salary, I envy your freedom and comfort; you envy my freedom and comfort, I envy your stability and peace of mind. Everyone just chooses different, and each choice has to bear the corresponding price. It's just that while you are envious, have you ever thought that the price the other party bears is easier than you are now?

Lei Shuyan wrote in "The Stars": People who look up at the stars always think that stars are gems, crystal clear, translucent, and without flaws. Those who have flown to the stars know that there is dust and gravel, as complex as the earth.

Therefore, instead of being envious of other stars, it is better to stand on your own planet and work silently. When you look at it again one day, you may find that the face of the star under your feet has been completely new.

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Night Hunter quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Simon: I Want Me

    [last lines]

    Simon: Let him

    [his twin]

    Simon: go or I'll stick this up her keeeeeyaaaaant

  • Marshall: [tosses a pair of handcuffs onto the table in front of a sex offender] Put these on... or I'll let her

    [nods to Angie]

    Marshall: and her friends castrate you