Can camouflage and evasion solve the dilemma facing gays?

Duane 2022-09-12 23:20:26

We all have some things that we are ashamed to talk about. The moments that make people blush in our memory will never be forgotten for a lifetime. At four o'clock in the morning, you will break out in a cold sweat from your sleep.

Ned is a 16-year-old literary teenager, sensitive and rebellious. In his own words: After my mother died, my good days came to an end. In this year, he was sent to a football-mad school by his father, and he didn't like football at all, and he seemed out of place, always thinking about how to get the school to expel him, until one person came and changed everything.

Connor was a fresh transfer student from another school, strong and handsome. I wanted to have a room to live alone, but out of desperation, I became Ned's roommate. The two of them, one had a conflict with a rugby player, and the other was a star player with high expectations, two boys with very different personalities, erected a "Berlin Wall" in the room, not disturbing each other.

The days were supposed to go on so peacefully, until one day Ned's music caught Connor's attention, and they slowly began to have a common word. Then the "Berlin Wall" was dismantled, and they became better and better friends. Even with the help of the English teacher, they prepared a program together - sang a guitar piece, and performed on behalf of the school in the art gala organized by various colleges and universities, and Ned also accidentally discovered the "common ground" between them during this period. .

It is a pity that life is not always perfect. Connor, who has limited energy, is unable to maintain a good game state, which has attracted the attention of the football team coach and physical education teacher. The physical education teacher saw that Connor was so close to Ned and the English teacher, so he had a plan and ran to the principal to give the English teacher a small report, hoping to get the principal's support. But the principal didn't say anything at all, and he asked the team member, nicknamed "Skunk", who had friction with Ned before, to find out why Connor transferred from the previous school.

It doesn't matter if you don't inquire about it. Once you inquire about it, you really find out a secret of Connor. "Skunk" used this to coerce him to stay away from Ned and focus on the game. At the art gala that day, the English teacher and Ned couldn't wait for Connor for a long time. When it was his turn to perform, Ned had to bite the bullet. Unsurprisingly, without Connor present, the performance was screwed up. After disappointment after disappointment, at a cheerleader for the football team, Ned finally exploded, grabbing the microphone and revealing Conor's secret in front of everyone.

It turns out that Connor is gay. Before, everyone only knew that he dropped out of the previous school because of frequent fights, but they didn't know why he fought. In Connor's own words: I fight everyone who finds out who I am, and everyone who finds out, but there are still people who follow, and I can't stop them, I can't fight each of them, I Couldn't stay and couldn't stop, so I left.

At a loss, Connor found an English teacher he had met in a gay bar and hoped that the teacher could tell him what to do. It's a pity that he was confident and passionate, crying for students to learn to be their own teachers, but now he just tells him "there will be a point in the future, you don't have to deceive anyone anymore, trust me, everything will be fine." Connor asked back, "Then you Have you waited until that point?" "Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, trust me." The English teacher replied with tears in her eyes. Connor was even more disappointed and helpless in the face of this answer. "How can you make me believe you?" Leaving this sentence, he left in a hurry.

On one side, the school called Ned's father to handle the withdrawal procedures for him; on the other side, the football final, which was crucial to the school, had come, and as a core member of the team, Connor had disappeared at this time. On the way home, Ned, who was sitting in his father's car, became more and more wrong. He begged his father to let him go back. No matter what he said, he couldn't convince his father.

Connor, who no one could find, was found by Ned. He came to apologize to Connor, and at this time, they both untied their knots. Connor finally returned to the finals and helped his teammates win the game.

It is commendable that, when other gay movies take love as the main line of growth, this movie uses friendship, and it is a gay friendship that is not mixed with any ambiguous factors. What's more commendable is that as a bowl of chicken soup full of routines, not only does it not feel nauseated, but it can also make you feel something, um, wait and see.

Pretending and escaping may bring a temporary sense of security, but in the long run, it is easy for people to fall into a deeper emotional vortex and become farther and farther away from the original self. Why don’t we just be ourselves?

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Handsome Devil quotes

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] Did you know lizards can regrow their tails? That's how it was in our school with English teachers. One dies, another grows in his place. No big deal.

  • Ned Roche: [voice over] The Berlin Wall was built overnight. The world woke up the morning after and there it was. Now I'm no communist, but there's a lot to be said for acting decisively.