5 points for healing, 5 points for thinking

Icie 2022-09-13 19:54:05

The Healing of the Quack Group

From feeling a little awkward and unnatural at the beginning to falling in love with everyone later! Sister Qiao's confident "scratching his head" (from the very beginning made me embarrassed to get goosebumps across the screen to sincere envy of his self-confidence), Bobby's powerful home renovation ability (the part that makes me WOW every time), small Cute Antoni (a very standard American TV male protagonist face, sensual little boy), Tan's fashion sense, tailoring, charming British accent and a high nose bridge that looks better and better, Karamo's chicken soup for the soul, ah this damn charm , let people fall into it without realizing it!

As mentioned by several of the transformed people, they are not here to criticize you or accuse you of not doing well in some aspects, but have been pulled into a boastful group from the beginning of the meeting: even the smallest details can Get them a big compliment, they will encourage you all the time, as long as you work a little harder, you can do better and live better. In addition to the transformation of appearance and living environment, what is more important is that they will always encourage you to take that step, the step that you have always known to do but have not made up your mind to take - a step forward, which is exactly what happens in real life The courage and determination that most people lack (I really want to be transformed TT).

Under the long-term immersion of traditional culture such as "being strict with oneself, self-examination and self-examination" and the growth environment of "other people's children", in the era when selling anxiety (all) can get traffic and make big money, every young person every day They are all enduring the torture of their own souls, and there is never lack of peer pressure from more successful people around them, and double pressure from family care. It seems that every day voices from within themselves or from the outside world are saying, "You haven't done enough. Why can't you do it? How can you be so bad", making people gasp for breath. The popularity of Kua Kua Qun coincides with the reason why this variety show makes people feel healed and warm.

It's better to spend time

The common problem of many reformed people is that their appearance is sloppy or they don't pay much attention to their appearance. The corresponding house is also dirty and messy, and their behavior is procrastination. They know what to do but can't take a step. Therefore, taking the time to clean up one's appearance and tidy up the house, which may seem superficial on the outside, actually reflects a person's character and behavior. A person who is willing to take the time to dress himself up and decorate the house should be a more self-disciplined person, and he is also a person who is full of love for life and does what he says. The person who executes it should not be slack about his appearance and living environment.

It's really interesting. It seems that time is wasted on things like hair and housework that are vain and can't create value. In fact, it will promote this serious attitude to other things in life and inspire you to do it. Every little thing is good, and it will continue to bring you positive consequences, which will stimulate you to continue this routine..

Thinking about it more divergently, sometimes I take the time to write a movie review and book review, and then I really have the feeling of "reading it", rather than the emptiness of completing the task in a hurry and leaving no marks. Spend a little time, but instead spend the time to the fullest and live more traces.

Does it coincide with the sense of ceremony?

The trap of labels - losing your personality in order to get rid of labels

I am very impressed that there is a gay who has not cheated. In order to prevent people around me from discovering my little secrets, I deliberately choose a specific style when choosing clothes, and my hairstyle will also pay attention to "Will it make me look gay?". The five little angels all noticed this and pointed out: In order to get rid of the label of "I am gay/black", and therefore deliberately change their words and deeds, isn't it just falling into the trap of the label? The most important thing is who you are, don't lose yourself trying to get rid of a label. We should create our own personalities and labels by ourselves, instead of being hampered by labels.

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