Some rumors that have nothing to do with the movie

Eleanora 2021-10-22 14:31:40

It's actually a very simple story.
The three children of the Baudelaire family lost their parents in a fire. The guardian Count Olaf used all means to seize a huge amount of property. With wisdom and bravery, the three sisters and brothers broke through one trap after another. Finally escaped.
The color of the film and the scenes are very fairy tale, gorgeous gothic style, and each shot is like an ink-filled oil painting. The story told is sad.
The villain, played by Kim Kelly, is remarkable, but he still prefers the three children: the eldest daughter, Zier, 14 years old, stamina, clever, and creative talent; younger brother Claus, 13 years old, very handsome, likes to read , Erudite and talented; little sister Sunny is still a baby, babbling, her teeth are sharp, she has a habit of biting things, she is cute.

At the end of the film, they passed by the burnt down home and unexpectedly received a letter from their parents before they were alive. It said:
...One day, when you grow up, you will learn how to make friends, distinguish right from wrong, and face crisis bravely. Sometimes the world is full of hostility, but we must always believe in beauty and carefully observe. Some seemingly irrelevant series of tragedies may be just the beginning of a new journey...
As long as you have each other, you will have a home...
In such a scene, reading such a late letter, I don’t know why A feeling, is it sad, or is it joy?

The bad guy finally escaped, and the three children snuggled up in the back of the car, sleeping quietly.
The road ahead is far away.

After more than an hour of filming, I watched all the final animations, and finally turned it off reluctantly.
Maybe it was going to rain, and I suddenly felt cold. Late at night, I took a bath and went to bed, and poured myself a glass of water.

I have had a very good life in the past two years, keeping myself safe and being simple in plain clothes. I have thrown away a lot of old things, and have forgotten a lot of old things. I am no longer eager for what I can't get, and I am no longer nervous about what I can't get. Listening to sad songs will not hurt your heart and lungs, and no matter how hard you drink, you will not get drunk.
I'm a little poor, but I'm not going to lose my clothes and clothes, I'm a little bit wicked, and I'm not going to kill people and set fire to make money.
Sometimes there will be thick sadness, or unspeakable upset, but this is nothing, the little girl's vacillating hypocritical inertia. Sometimes when I wake up from nightmares, facing the quiet and cool night, I already know how to tell myself that it is just a dream, and everything is over.

I am still alive, free and magnanimous, this is the best thing.

I have also been cowardly, self-willed, afraid of facing, afraid of taking responsibility, hurting loved ones, and messing up my life. I also had fear, isolation, no help, and humiliation. At the worst time, I thought I would just die in a foreign land.
I especially remember that many years ago, on the train going north, facing a dining car filled with instant noodles and mineral water, I suddenly burst into tears, howling like a child, terrified the flight attendants and sitting on the scene. Little boy. I thought I could cry for the setting sun, moon and stars, cry for ten miles of railways, cry so much that the earth broke apart, and broke bin Laden's soup spoon at noon in two.
I really hope that he can come to rescue me, holding an 88-caliber Sherman tank, unloading the heavy package on my shoulder, giving me a gentle smile, and buying cheap ice cream on the side of the road.

The road ahead is long.
I remember what A Fei said, she said that I walked from the north to the south, all along the way, it was a barren grave.

Going upstairs yesterday, in the faint stairwell, it suddenly occurred to me that I want to be happy.
Although I am still very bad, weak, and not brave, I am still afraid of facing danger. I can't learn how to distinguish right from wrong. I get along with people. I'm always cheated of money by fake beggars with excellent performance on the bridge.
But I still want to be happy, heartless to be happy.

Not happy, sorry for those who have suffered.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events quotes

  • Klaus Baudelaire: That's the Two-Headed Cobra!

    Uncle Monty: Well spotted!

    Violet Baudelaire: Is that a he or a she?

    Uncle Monty: I have no idea! I didn't think it polite to ask.

  • Count Olaf: Looks like you could use a little assistance.

    Klaus Baudelaire: You're gonna need assistance when we get back to town! Aunt Josephine's gonna tell everyone what happened!

    Count Olaf: [sarcastically] And then I'll be arrested and sent to jail and you'll live happily ever after with a friendly guardian, spending your time inventing things and reading books and sharpening your little monkey teeth, and bravery and nobility will prevail at last, and this wicked world will slowly but surely become a place of cheerful harmony, and everybody will be singing and dancing and giggling like the littlest elf! A happy ending! Is that what you had mind?