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4 Moons Reviews

  • Randi 2022-09-06 17:33:38

    The most touching gay movie

    Loved everything from the story to the actors.

    Very real, very dramatic, very painful, very heart-warming.

    My favorite is the part about the scumbag and my ten-year boyfriend. I don't know the exact reason. Maybe it's mapped to myself, maybe it's to warn myself not to be such a person, from happiness...

  • Jaron 2022-06-16 23:06:59

    four moons

    Four moons, cloudy and sunny...

    They are a pair of full moons, and they are still warm, but they can't resist the arrival of the lack of moon. "I don't know how you fell in love with me as a fool" "That's what I'm afraid of, Hugo, one day I'll run out of love and I don't know how to love you...

  • Garfield 2022-06-16 22:08:34

    Close to people, listen to destiny

    It's been a long time since I encountered such a wonderful work of conscience. After reading it in one breath, I still feel that it is not enough, and I have a lot of thoughts.

    Other film reviews, some think of the four stages of a comrade's life, and some think of the bleakness of love.

    But in every...

  • Frederik 2022-06-16 21:39:15

    It's amazing

    I watched this film with the idea of ​​killing time, but I didn't expect to be so pleasantly surprised after watching it. This is probably the best co-movie translated by QAF in the past year, and the director, screenwriter, cameraman, and actors are all good. The seemingly independent four stories...

  • Sammy 2022-06-16 21:13:59

    This may be the true epitome of gay life

    1. Adolescence

  • Kiarra 2022-06-16 18:19:08

    "Four Moons"

    (Resources are taken from the account: "Muchuanbei") One of my favorite movies, of course, it took a lot of effort to find the resources, but it's worth it!


    Four independent stories, teenagers, youth, middle-aged, and old. At the end, I can no longer judge what is a tragedy and...

4 Moons

Director: Sergio Tovar Velarde

Language: Spanish Release date: November 21, 2014

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