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4 Moons Reviews

  • Carmel 2022-12-29 13:31:33

    "Four Moons": Heartbeat Quartet

    Four stories, four periods of life, through teenagers, youth, middle age and old age, the heartbeats of different age groups have created the complex life faced by different people. The throbbing of the heart and the occurrence of emotions are the most beautiful psychological manifestations of...

  • Teresa 2022-12-03 03:50:35


    I like it, because it actually contains deep meaning. The four stories represent the four stages that gay men may go through: the agitation and depression of childhood sexual enlightenment, the combination of youthful sexual openness, and gradually approaching middle age, love turns into emotional...

  • Kenton 2022-11-20 14:41:27

    its title

    Because it is the moon, there are circles and flaws, life is like this, and feelings are even more. The four stories described in the movie have their own moving points. In fact, they are all simple or even bloody stories when viewed separately, but they are compressed into one movie. Although...

  • Jordan 2022-11-19 11:05:47

    Four Moons: Hesitant Sex and Love

    Label: Home/2018-03-30 My rating: 8.5

    Four Moons: Wondering what the moon is a metaphor for in Mexican culture? At least after watching the whole film, in my cultural context, the four stories have not been connected to the moon.

    Four stories, four stages: youth, youth, middle age, old age, four...

  • Elenora 2022-11-14 22:30:44

    Four Moons: Oh, love!

    This Latin American film consists of four independent stories. In my opinion, it is actually more like a story. From childhood to old age, it tells the life of one person or the whole group of gays. There is no curiosity or any accusation and criticism. It's comfortable to tell the lives of these...

  • Johnnie 2022-10-26 09:14:01


    Zhengtai has a secret affection for her cousin. She tested her cousin at a family gathering. She told her classmates about it at school. Because of this, Zhengtai was bullied by her cousin and classmates. Cassette), because the school found the parents for the fight, so Zhengtai's secret was...

  • Miles 2022-10-26 05:26:12

    Reprinted from look boy

    The little boy scalded the toe he stretched out to test the water. Fortunately, he has a mother who loves him and a father who is not serious in expressing himself but also loves him. The road to coming out of the closet is neither smooth nor rough, and the little heart will not be too hurt. ; The...

  • Bret 2022-09-24 14:35:24

    Pretty good.

    Originally, I came here with the time to watch the beauty and polishing, but I didn't expect to finish it slowly, and I didn't skip it haha~~~ The four stories of different classes are very real and delicate. With the sprout of comradeship from the story of the child, I can't help but think of the...

  • Melvin 2022-09-20 18:44:33

    A movie can't tell the whole life of a comrade, but it can connect a lot of resonance

    The four simple stories connect the details of the whole comrade's life, in which all kinds of sweets and bitters are well integrated.     From the confusion of childhood, the cognition of comrade is still in the initial stage. To the confirmation of myself that began after entering the university,...

  • Joy 2022-09-18 08:15:40

    I know who you are, but I still love you

    The four moons are four stories that happen to people of different ages—juveniles, youths, middle-aged and old people. The four stories are interspersed and unfolded. Although I can't understand the difference between telling one story and then telling another story, the interspersed are not very...

4 Moons

Director: Sergio Tovar Velarde

Language: Spanish Release date: November 21, 2014

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