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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days Reviews

  • Demarco 2022-03-21 09:02:24

    The quiet fog quietly dissipates

    The film begins with a cloud of fog, and the audience listens to the conversation between the two actresses, not knowing what to say. With the development of the plot, the audience was shown the ins and outs of the story, but despite this, we didn't see everything clearly. We didn't know the two...

  • Taya 2022-03-21 09:02:24

    "Three Weeks and Two Days in April": the language of the camera expresses the tension of the plot

    How does the tension between two girls and a doctor threesome in a hotel room come about?

    In this part of the two girls and the doctor in the hotel room, from the plot point of view, the conversation between the three at the beginning is enough to see that the two girls do not have enough...

  • Okey 2022-03-21 09:02:24

    Ten million Gabita

  • Coby 2022-03-21 09:02:24

    same and different situations

    When Otilia said to her boyfriend, "Don't roll your eyes. Have you ever thought about it? What should I do if I'm pregnant?" Although she bravely helped her roommate Zhang Luo secretly abort everything this time, what if the next time she was lying in a hotel bed and the person who got the probe...

  • Krista 2022-03-21 09:02:24

    In fact, men and women are not equal

    The film in Romania is very dull in three weeks and two days in April. It must take a lot of patience to finish such a film. Otilia and Gabita, two beautiful female college students, live in the same room and have a very close relationship. The film revolves around how to get an abortion after...

  • Leif 2022-03-20 09:02:06

    I've never seen anyone interpret the scorching sense of time so well, not even Lola running fast.

    1. I've never seen the burning of time interpreted so well. Lola didn't even run fast.

    There's not even a soundtrack, no big close-ups, just handheld and long shots. I seem to be watching an immersive drama, and I seem to follow O the whole time, even if the screen does not move for almost a few...

  • Braeden 2021-12-25 08:01:13

    Three weeks and two days in April: 1987, the hue of Romania

    Romania in 1987. A cold and dirty snowmelt day. The iron mound-like means of transportation whispered and dumb on the road. The story happened in just one day. Female college student Ottila bought smuggled imported cigarettes, food, and soap in the school dormitory, and prepared secret luggage for...

  • Frederic 2021-12-25 08:01:13

    Several lenses and others

    The editing of a scene is impressive and it feels very novel. It was just a small part of the bargaining between the two girls and Doctor Jianghu in the room. First, I shot the doctor doing the initial examination of Female A on the bed, and then the camera followed the doctor to the chair opposite...

  • Jess 2021-12-25 08:01:13

    "April, Three Weeks and Two Days": That day, I had a nightmare

    Text/You Chuang Leng Yu "April Three Weeks and Two Days" contains strange hope and loss. In the last days of the Ceausescu regime, turmoil and panic can be seen everywhere, and the director Christian Mongi is to a certain extent Recovering that unbearable past, Romania’s dusty memories are opened...