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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days Reviews

  • Jose 2022-04-21 09:02:46

    Compassionate dedication to share original sin

    movie poster

    It is said that these were the dark times in Romania, the era of Ceausescu's dictatorship, the era of banning forced abortions to increase fertility. However, which country, which era, has ever spared a woman's vagina, a woman's womb, and a woman? The lifespan of the embryo is three...

  • Roselyn 2022-04-21 09:02:46

    person looking up at the sky

    ——Comment on "Three Weeks and Two Days in April" Two small goldfish were trapped in a narrow fish tank, struggling in vain, a wisp of smoke drifted from the left, and then one hand picked up the burning ashtray. Smoke, this is the beginning of the film. Just like the title of the film named after...

  • Julia 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    "April Three Weeks Two Days"

    When I first read it, I thought it was a student work similar to a death thesis, because at the beginning, it was shot in a dimly lit student dormitory with a very shaky handheld shot. After reading it, I realized that it was a shooting technique that deliberately created such a dark atmosphere....

  • Keshaun 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    17 Shanghai Film Festival Viewing April

    The film is not long, but it really makes people feel the real and long day of a female college student who illegally and secretly had an abortion. It also includes the dismay of the two girls having to sleep with the barefoot doctor in order to do this. In the end, in order to find a place to deal...

  • Lavonne 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    intimacy and individuality

    You will probably never understand what it would be like to be pregnant with a baby carrier without getting to the point of giving birth. This film is a great introduction to the attitudes and differences between two young women and the changing relationship between them when you decide to...

  • Ericka 2022-04-20 09:01:59


    1. The same thing happened in one day, the day that brought a big change to the person, abortion, sex, family, crime, death, bloody food at the last table...

    2. The state of modern young people is mostly confused. The direction they are going now seems to be pushed by fate. They are helpless but...

  • Toney 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    More than abortion

    It's been several days since the movie was finished, and the image of the four-month-old stillborn wrapped in a dirty towel still haunts my mind.

    The movie tells the story of two girls who secretly had an abortion in Romania, where abortion is prohibited. Originally, I watched it with a clear...

  • Dell 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    Not immersive bystanders, but like-minded participants

    At first, I felt that this movie had the quality of a drama, and I even thought that I was watching a drama for a while. But think again no. Although the two have a lot in common, the fixed single camera seat, especially in the dinner table scene, also magnifies the sense of realism and...

  • Fredrick 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    Life doesn't come to an abrupt end

    The ending of the movie "Two Days in Three Weeks in April" is that Otilia finds Gabita in the hotel restaurant, and the waiter brings some leftover beef, tenderloin, pork liver, fried beef brain, and beef bone marrow. Ottilie Aze drank the water quietly, and Gabita looked at the menu for her. Both...

  • Brandi 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    Humanity is everywhere

    The version I watched was shared with me. I don’t know why there is a time difference between the subtitles and the movie. Even so, I still like the style of this movie. It’s quiet and a bit like a documentary, and the hazy and degraded streets are very similar to the 90s. In the Northeast Heavy...