This is the Rocky series, my favorite. The two conversations inside touched me very much.
By the way, record how bad English is now. Looking back later, after years of hard work, it may still be so bad.
Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world. And you did
Somewhere at The Line ON But, you changed.
By You stopped being you.
By You the let people Stick [stɪk] A finger in your face and Tell you you're NO Good.
But at some point, you've changed, you do not do it yourself Yes, you allow others to poke your face and say you are not good.
And when things got hard, you start to look for something to blame [blem] like a big shadow.
When things get difficult, you start looking for something to blame, such as a huge shadow,
Let Me Tell you something you already know.
At The world ain't [ent] all sunshines and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty [ˈnæsti] place
Let me tell you something you already know, this world is not all sunshine and rainbows, it's a very mean and nasty place.
and I do not care how tough [ tʌf] you are, it'll beat you to your knees [ni] and keep it there permanently [pəmənəntlɪ] if you let it.
It No matter how strong it will defeat you, let You kneel on the ground, it will keep you like this if you don't resist.
You, me and nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.
That's how winning is done.
You, me, and no one can play heavier than life, but the key is not that you can play multiple, but you can bear multiple and keep going forward, you can bear multiple and keep going forward, this is victory The true meaning of it!
Now if you know what you worth [wɜ:rθ], go out and get what you worth.
But you gotta be willing [ˈwɪlɪŋ] to take the hits.
And not pointing fingers saying you ain't what you wanna be because of him , or her, or anybody.
If you know your value, fight for your value,
But you have to be able to withstand heavy blows, instead of pointing to others and saying that you are not what you want to do, but that he, she, or anyone is dragging you down.
Cowards [kaʊərd] not do that and that IS you.
By You're Within last of Better that!
Cowards do that, you are not a coward. You shouldn't be like this.
Challenge difficult
But many still question whether he has the heart of a true champion.
But a lot of people on whether he has become a true champion of the heart skeptical
never having been pushed to go the distance [dɪstəns].
He never backed into a dead end
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