You are responsible for making money to support the family, I am responsible for being beautiful

Aaliyah 2021-10-22 14:30:57

Father Fox carries a radio on his waist and trots around the tree to do gymnastics while singing.
Mother Fox walked over, her right hand akimbo and her weight swinging to the right, protruding backwards.
When I met, I first asked my wife about the results of the visit to the hospital, and the wife ended the topic in a few words, whether it was true or had other intentions. This is nonsense.
Before the action, father fox asked mother fox whether we should take a shortcut or a path with scenery.
Regardless of the final decision, you must first express your wife's advice.
Women are always safe and cautious. My wife said to take shortcuts, but Father Fox was a little disappointed. I suggest that the paths with scenery are much more beautiful. Mother Fox knows how to agree with her husband's decision and give him face. Father fox was happy that mother fox followed his opinion, and at the same time said that the road was also fast, adding reasons for his decision, and then picked wild flowers on the side of the road to give to his wife.
Outside the farm, the mother fox asked what a short fat pigeon was. Maybe she knows the answer, but occasionally pretends to be stupid and asks a man to show himself.
The father fox thinks that he should climb the wall because he is closer to the short fat pigeon, and the mother fox thinks that he should climb the horse fence because it is safer.
The adventurous spirit of men and the cautiousness of women.
The mother fox sighed and accepted, and the father fox promised that he was skilled and dispelled his wife's worries. At the same time, he did not forget to praise his wife and dispel his dissatisfaction.
In the course of the action, the two of them are vigorous, and the father fox will also assist his wife at an appropriate time to successfully get the prey.
It's a perfect couple.

Unfortunately, father fox did not listen to mother fox's advice and prevention, and made a self-righteous comment on the trap, and finally pulled the trap, and the two were trapped in a cage. The consequences of not listening to his wife are very serious.
The mother fox told the conclusion that the father fox hospital had no choice but to be pregnant. Maybe it could have given a man a surprise after the action was successful.
Father Fox was stunned, obviously not because of surprise. The boss in my heart reluctantly reluctantly pretended to squeeze a smile, wow, we have a baby.
Mother fox took this opportunity to let father fox stop. Only under such great pressure and let him feel the family responsibility, the man will put away his conceit and self. Otherwise, after the child is born, a habitual stealing offender is obviously not a good role model father.

They managed to escape and the story was able to continue.
Two years later, also after the twelfth year of the fox, father fox became a columnist, mother fox became a housewife, and their son grew up.
Father Fox asked, does anyone read my column. Mother fox comforted him, although they couldn't read it. Supporting her husband’s work and tactfully making suggestions, properly dealing with children who do not want to go to school, busy with housework, there are still paintbrushes in the bag in front of the apron, good wife and mother, without losing self.
Father fox did not want to live in the cave because it made him feel so poor, but mother fox said frankly that we are poor, but we lived happily.
A man’s sense of happiness is not complete, but it must also have a material basis. Father fox kisses mother fox’s hand and explains to her that the ground is more beautiful. According to grandpa fox, he has lived more than half of his life and hopes to have a better life for the rest of his life. Days.
In fact, Daddy Fox had already secretly cut out the tree house advertisement in the newspaper. Before going out, he compared two fingers to his wife, and went out with a sly smile. He ignored the advice of the lawyer and bought the tree house close to the three farms.
Under the night sky, father fox and tree house manager Kelly stood together on the balcony, facing the farm opposite, father fox took a deep breath, and the life of pursuing the truth began.

Daddy Fox and Kelly attacked the three farms in order. This fully reflects Daddy Fox's various characteristics. He has good minds, can plan, understand leadership, and has strong skills, but he also lied to his wife. Mother Fox saw his deception, but gave him a chance, and again and again, things were not so easy to tolerate.
The farmer began to retaliate, his house was destroyed, and father fox lost his tail.
On the way to escape, the mother fox talked to the father fox alone, and her attitude could not be refused.
I'm going to lose my temper now.
He didn't obey, did the wrong thing and lied and had a bad attitude, so he was slapped in the face with a backhand by the mother fox.
Father Fox pretended to howl in pain and then shut up obediently.
Faced with the tearful questioning of mother fox, father fox had to make excuses for himself.
Why lie to me?
Because I am a wild animal.
You are also a husband and father.
As such a role in the family, no matter what, if you can't restrain yourself, there will only be one.

In the end, we all die.

The fox family and a group of animals living in this land began a difficult war, under the leadership of father fox.
They dug a tunnel underground and occupied three farm warehouses. At the celebration dinner, the fox son and cousin went to help the fox father steal the tail. The cousin was caught. The farmer poured cider into the tunnel. All the animals were Trapped in the sewer.
On the bridge next to the Cider Falls, Daddy Fox deeply reflected on what he had done, and decided to bravely shoulder this responsibility in order to save everyone.
Just like the bridge in a romantic movie, the man has to sacrifice himself to make up for his mistake, and the woman cried and reluctant to leave him.
I want everyone to think that I am the greatest and most outstanding Mr. Fox. Fox’s tradition is to take risks, and that’s what I am good at.
I know, but we are animals.
I think we have always been, and I assure you that I will never do this again, I will never let you down, and we will face it together anyway.
When two people are together, no matter how big the difficulty is, they can face it together.
Father fox kisses mother fox and then goes to comfort his son who has lost his cousin.
At this time he was already a good husband and a good father.

After a series of struggles, Dad Fox led Kelly and his son to rescue Fox's cousin.
On the way back, Father Fox saw a wolf, a wolf from the north~~~
His eyes were full of tears, and he raised his right hand to salute the wolf.
Father Fox has the freedom and wildness of adventure in his heart, but he has also understood his sense of responsibility as a member of society.
The dream of Father Fox still exists, but he already knows what to do and what not to do. He already knows to consider the consequences of everything, and he already knows to consider others.

Finally, father fox found a sewer exit. Mother fox said that Mr. Fox you are coming again, while still crawling out with him. Not only because of trust, but no matter what you do, I will always be with you.
No one's super supermarket, super surprise.
Mother fox said to father fox, I am pregnant again. Wow, Daddy Fox is really happy this time.
Mother fox touched her belly, still bulging forward.
Father Fox unscrewed the radio that he carried around his waist and everyone danced.
Every good man cannot grow up without his woman.

You are responsible for making money to support the family, and I am responsible for being beautiful.

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Fantastic Mr. Fox quotes

  • Mr. Fox: Alright, let's start planning. Who knows shorthand?

    [Linda raises her hand]

    Mr. Fox: Great! Linda! Lutra Lutra - you got some dry paper?

    [she holds up some paper]

    Mr. Fox: Here we go. Mole! Talpa Europea! What d'you got?

    Mole: I can see in the dark.

    Mr. Fox: That's incredible! We can use that! Linda?

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: Rabbit! Oryctolagus Cuniculus!

    Rabbit: I'm fast.

    Mr. Fox: You bet you are. Linda?

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: Beaver! Castor Fiber!

    Beaver: I can chew through wood.

    Mr. Fox: Amazing! Linda!

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: Badger! Meles Meles!

    Badger: Demolitions expert.

    Mr. Fox: What? Since when?

    Badger: Explosions! Flames! Burning things!

    Mr. Fox: Demolitions expert! OK! Linda?

    Linda Otter: Got it.

    Mr. Fox: [grabs Weasel] WEASEL! MUSTELA NIVALIS!

    Weasel: Stop yelling!

    Mr. Fox: Ha! Ha-ha! Whoo! Okay. Ash, you and Agnes team up with these little kids and form some KP unit to keep this sewer clean. It's good for morale.

    Ash: Done.

    [turns to Agnes]

    Ash: What's KP?

    Agnes: I think it means janitors.

    [Ash spits]

    Field Mouse: Hey-hey! I wanna go with you! I wanna fight!

    Mr. Fox: Good, fabulous! Microtus pennsylvanicus!

    [the field mouse laughs]

  • Mrs. Fox: [sees her husband, Kris and Kylie sneaking through the kitchen] Another book party?

    Mr. Fox: [surprised] Oh! I didn't see you sitting in the dark over there.

    [grins sheepishly]

    Mr. Fox: Yeah! No actually, there's a fire. I just got the call; they said maybe it's arson. I've got to interview the marshal and see if it's...

    Mrs. Fox: [turns on the light] Kylie, is he telling the truth?

    Kylie: I... I don't want to be put into the middle of this!

    Mr. Fox: Thanks, Kylie.

    Mrs. Fox: Why is he wearing that bandit hat?

    [points at Kris, wearing a bandit hat]

    Mr. Fox: His ears were cold. He's not with us.

    [to Kris]

    Mr. Fox: Go back to bed.

    [Kris leaves and closes the door]

    Mrs. Fox: If what I think is happening, IS happening... it better not be.