Detective Comics and the Chinese

Erika 2022-11-08 03:41:07

Gotham is a TV series adapted from Batman. The time is set after the shooting of Batman's parents until Bruce Wayne transforms into Bruce Wayne-Batman. The story mainly tells the story of Detective Gordon, one of Batman's partners, defending Gotham, and the story of various weird villains and Bruce Wayne growing up together.

The above content is just a synopsis of the play. Many people may be looking forward to how Gordon-Man will fight against all kinds of monsters in this film. The first season is indeed such a tune, but with With strange power and chaos appearing more and more, this film as a standard criminal investigation film is getting more and more stretched. Gorton's method of solving the case mainly relies on the social networks of Harvey and Penguin, the mechanical descent, intuition and intuition of the forensic and scientific investigators, as well as the fighting skills comparable to the fighting skills of the adult Batman. It can be understood as a criminal investigation story of armed idealism, which is basically logical. It doesn't matter if you understand the fan, although the Riddler does appear in the film (laughs).

The main reason for this film as a criminal investigation film is that there are too many strange powers. The villains die twice on average and the methods and consequences of resurrection are not the same. Mind manipulation, mind control and face changing, disguise, cloning and other methods emerge in endlessly, leading to this film. Violation of a basic principle in the Ten Commandments of Reasoning: Do not show up Chinese. Of course, this has nothing to do with racial discrimination. The main reason is that when Ronald Knox wrote the Ten Commandments of Reasoning in the 1920s, Chinese people could fly over the wall and make waves and other superpowers were taken for granted. Applying it to the story will naturally cause the destruction of reasoning. Gotham’s TV series is no exception. In the first season, there were basically no ghosts and zombies. As time goes by, Batman grows, and all kinds of ghosts and monsters will almost mutate into full form ready to welcome the arrival of Batman. The proportion of abilities in the story has increased sharply. For the Gotham City police, who has been embarrassed by the mortal body, the layout of the traditional police film in the first season has basically collapsed.

Of course, the outstanding screenwriters of this play are also clearly aware of this, and actively play down the reasoning elements and the elements of the police and criminals, and bet more and more pens on how the tragic working people and gangsters in Gotham City are being treated. One after another, the cannibal Gotham City has become the heinous villain in the comics. I have to say that this part of the description is quite successful. The most typical is the birth of the Penguin and Riddler, who are unanimously praised by everyone. Many characters without superpowers, and the shaping of characters before superpowers are also quite successful. The story of the Iceman and the Burning Man is quite sighing, but unfortunately the two of them have become a dragon set after they have super powers. They follow other characters blindly, waiting for Batman to fly out to squash them when they grow up.

Of course, due to the industry ills that have to grit their teeth and shoot countless seasons of American dramas, in the third and fourth seasons of this drama, the growth and transformation of a large number of characters has basically come to an end, so they have to fall in love with each other, Fighting against each other instead of being a big brother forcibly delaying the plot, this approach has also received unanimous criticism from the audience. However, although this treatment of the show is aesthetically unsuccessful, it may be accidentally posted in the 80s to 00s in the background of the show. The reason why the 1980s and 2000s are said to be because there are not only computers and genetically modified lines, but also lines suggesting the Gulf War, flip phones, typewriters, and obviously outdated vehicles, dress fashion and decoration, and even hints of the Vietnam War. Back. The creative team deliberately obfuscates Gotham's specific era, thereby creating a nostalgic atmosphere not only "before Batman" but also "before now" for long-term readers of Batman comics in their 20s and 40s.

Of course, no matter what era the TV series of Gotham took place in, this is an era without tinder, without Facebook, and without dark web. The replacement of the old boss and the new boss can only be achieved through the spread of errands and rumors. Newspapers and TV dominate the media. In this era, the social circle is inevitably limited and narrow. Killing the former boss’s subordinates, Junlin Gotham It's a plan, but you can't recruit new terrorists directly on Facebook or the dark web as you do today. In this era, inheriting your predecessor's network is obviously a more reasonable and effective choice. Obviously, things like finding old friends who go to other states through Facebook like "Cobra" set in 2020 in general modern TV series will not happen.

Furthermore, we disagree with the aesthetics of the arrangement of changing the acquaintances in the small circle of acquaintances in Gotham to exchange for love and exchange for ruling Gotham. It is entirely because of the aesthetics described in the play. Failed? not necessarily. Perhaps the topological structure of interpersonal relationships that has been transformed by the Internet has made it impossible for us to understand and appreciate the interpersonal relationships of the pre-Internet era, just as many people can’t stand the same setting in the TV series "Umbrella Academy" "Before Now" , The setting of finding someone rather than sending a message and calling between the characters is the same.

Finally, I want to add that David Matsu, who plays Bruce Wayne Jr.'s acting skills, is relatively rubbish. Although there has been some improvement in the later period, I hope he will not stretch his neck to act in the future.

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