A barrel of compressed cans-the last episode of unfinished

Salma 2022-09-25 17:10:10

I am a loyal DC comics fan, especially Batman and the Gotham story where he is. The villain of Gotham, the changes of the Wayne family, are all me, and every "bat fan" can talk about it and cherish it. Familiar friends should know the "Arkham Trilogy" released on the game platform, namely Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and the latest Arkham Knight. In this series, Warner uses his excellent brushwork It truly restored a Gotham that we only saw under the pens of cartoonists, and the market also gave this series the highest recognition with the highest evaluation. This is a feast that every DC fan should not miss. Those who have played it will naturally Know what I mean, I won’t repeat it here. In the past two years in an era when Marvel appeared on the screen overwhelmingly, DC was obviously at a disadvantage in the screen war. All DC comic fans are eagerly awaiting the emergence of a masterpiece that can fight against the heroes of Marvel. Gotham, the tome of the Fox production turned out, finally let us hear it in the praise of the reunion. The voice of DC, moreover, in most of the passages, it does live up to expectations.

Every bad and good person is resurrected on the screen, and their past and present lives are presented on the screen one by one. Why the clown is a clown, why the scarecrow is a scarecrow, what would a juvenile catwoman look like, and why did the famous Riddler who loves Batman become like this? FOX has laid out the answers to all of these for us with its atmospheric layout and fine design. As far as I know, in addition to the two positive characters of the Batman era-which are also the two cores of the show-Jim Gordon and the young Bruce Wayne, the important characters on the stage that have appeared one after another are: Riddle Nigma, the young catwoman, the butler Alfred, the young scarecrow, the young clown, the young plant girl, the double-faced Harvey Dante, the black masked father Syonis, of course, must be indispensable The most brilliant penguin man-Oswald Copperpot (I only remember so much for the time being, if there are any omissions, please make corrections). It can be said that with the exception of several villains such as Frozen Man, Big Mac Bann, Crocodile Man, and Harley Quinn, all the villains of the Batman era, both righteous and evil, and completely evil have basically all appeared on the scene.

In fact, I disagree with the previously widely acclaimed Nolan version of the Batman trilogy (especially the third one), the main reason is that it destroys some very important character elements that should be in the original story. (Different people have different opinions on this point. Friends who think the Nolan version is a god-made version should not be sprayed). In this Gotham narrative of the reasons for most of the characters mentioned above, he paid close attention to the original work, and the casting also clearly saw the greatest sincerity of Fox. For example, the Penguin, the iconic pace like Chaplin, is obviously imitating the hair style of the emperor penguin, and the character of the character that is sometimes prosperous, sometimes fierce and cruel, who can say that this is not the set of instigation in the original book Oswald of the great success-what about the Penguins? To give another one, I think that the young Catwoman who has the essence of the original book, from the first sight of this little girl carefully selected by the director, I immediately stopped doing what he thought-this spiritual temperament, she is Catwoman! In addition, living in a slum but having fun, the wit and courage that have been revealed at a young age, and Catwoman’s iconic unattainable stealing technology, and most importantly, will surely become The now immature "kitten" of Batman's lover has begun to flirt with his destined man-teenager Bruce Wayne. How warm and comforting is the appearance of this scene. At least, this is far more suitable than the Nolan version of Bruce's favorite that must give birth to Batman's heir (see the youth team composed of Wayne in the DC series)-Thalia is described as a semi-crazy neuropathy. There are many original works. As for the others, each has its own finishing touches, such as the scarecrow monster in the eyes of the little scarecrow before the coma, the clown laughter that can be seen when the young clown talks about her mother committing adultery with the clown next door, and so on. Into the soul, no need to go into details.

I didn’t watch the second season. Because of the winter break, the second season of the tenth episode will return again in March next year, and waiting for three months with a halal child is not my style of watching movies. , I'd rather wait until all of them come out to have a good time together. As far as the first season is concerned, by the 21st episode of the perverted lunatic, the development of the whole story is basically unable to pick out any flaws, of course, except for the repeated inexplicable full blood resurrection of FISH. The last episode completely subverted the integrity of the entire story, and a masterpiece that could be described as a perfect painting created a very discordant stain.

The result of a rush to work...... This is what I feel after watching the last episode. Let's talk about them one by one. First of all, the Honourable Philconi, who can definitely be called the old fritters, will run out alone to buy a hen at the critical moment when the gang war is heating up? And the strength is not inferior to the opponent, he was actually tied to a hospital bed after being injured, and became an unarmed, polished commander who has to rely on Gordon to survive? In the previous episode, it was obvious that FISH was seriously injured and barely escaped from Doctor Odd Island where he was experimenting with humans. The next moment he was resurrected unscathed and full of blood, turning a group of stragglers who had escaped with her into a group of willing to help her. Mafia killer who kills and sets fire? He has always been alone, and even Gotham’s richest man, Bruce Wayne, refused the friendly invitation to live in the manor. He would rather live in a slum to keep his wild and free little wild cat-later the famous catwoman Se Linna Kyle actually took off the leather jacket that was barely taken off just to cooperate with Little Wayne's stealing the keys (even Alfred said that the little girl really likes leather products), and combed a street Hunk-like explosive head (I have to admit, it’s really pretty dressed up), holding a shotgun, willingly become a FISH thug? Is this still our catwoman? Why is Serena, who has always loved stealing and stayed away from gang wars (both the original and the game Arkham series can be used as evidence), and how can she be like this? The key is the hurried finale, FISH's death, Little Wayne found the Bat Cave, etc. The director who was busy with incidents was overjoyed, and the little Serena who had completely subverted the image disappeared. All the above surprises All become unsolved cases, so that the anticlimax is completely out of order, and if you want to say that it is not a work, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Here, I would like to repeat Gordon’s girlfriend Barbara Keane. As we all know, the later BAT GIRL, which is the most important logistical pillar of Batman after the crippling, is the prophet Oracle, which is the daughter of Jim Gordon. ——Barbara Gordon. In this prequel Gotham, which is full of symbolic meaning, from the beginning I didn't believe that Barbara Keane appeared only to provide our great and honest Detective Gordon with a piece of nephrite fragrance. Two Barbaras have nothing to do with each other? I do not believe. However, to find the thinnest soy sauce bottle in this drama in which everyone's image is very full, I think it can only be this Ms. Keene. Empty and boring, Barbara Keene, who is still a lesbian towards Qin Muchu, could not have left a pleasing impression. In the penultimate episode, I watched a murderer kill his parents and saw Gordon, who was anxious about his danger. Not only did he not remind him to pay attention to safety, but he also asked "What are you here for?" The urge to nausea. In the penultimate episode, Barbara, who was completely insane, faced the heinous crimes of her parents' tragic death in her hands, and the people around her who still persisted in caring about her. The most ridiculous thing is that even if you are a lunatic, compared to the pervert who held her, and the future master clown, she is also a completely unqualified lunatic. She stabbed someone with a knife and was instantly countered. The level is too far, too far... But, I just want to ask the director. In the end, even the pheasants in the high-end brothel feel more cute than her. Woman, what is it for such a description? Her name is exactly the same as the name of Gordon’s daughter. Is there any merit in such a completely unsympathetic mad woman that deserves the great detective Gordon to use the name of his precious daughter to commemorate it? If not, how can the director justify himself with such a strong hint of two Barbara? It seems that in the second season, Fox should think carefully about how to make up for the brain hole he dug.

The two giants of Maroni and Philconi slammed their curtain call in such a ridiculous way (the big Maroni was spitting on the stars, and he was shot in the head by FISH; Philconi was shot. More classic, as a gang boss, he actually retired with a sentence "I'm tired, I want to retire"... Surprising), it took so many directors to stop FISH from death. He just returned to Gotham, and didn’t do anything yet. He was so simply killed by the Penguins. Little Bruce was even more absurdly searching for evidence of his father’s "bad things" at home, the characters we mentioned earlier. The cat girl with a 180-degree turn is even more dumbfounding.... The last episode really used ample pen and ink. When the firewood funds were more than popular, It was a messy farce. A good pot of cream soup mistakenly used mouse shit as salt and put it in, and then started serving it. It's really as bad as a domestic drama, the whole movie is bad, and if it is everywhere, the last episode will not matter if it is a little bit more bad; but the whole movie is like He Choi, the whole body is flawless, but I found one at the end of the appreciation. The big black spots, this kind of frustration, should be beyond words.

In any case, even though the finale is so embarrassing, Fox has fully demonstrated its strength in the first 21 episodes. Now the second season is out. I just hope, not just for the box office, not just for ratings, even for us, for every sincere supporter of DC, to make a good drama, make a famous drama, and let everyone watch. Let the heart of the reader tremble for the fate of Gotham!

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